Old-Fashioned Is...

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riding the buckboard, square dances abound,

big dresses, apple cider, and holding doors for girls.

fiddle music, peppermint sticks, singing in the rain,

gentlemen giving ladies lovely chains of pearls.

letters coming in the mail, praying your son will be home soon,

kneading bread, hopscotch, running through the woods,

playing make-believe, you, a princess, him, a knight,

sitting in church, being quiet, was your childhood.

rocking chairs, hot cocoa, popcorn around the tree,

simple skirts, fine-pressed doilies, reading the morning news,

flower wallpaper, leather furniture, Louis Armstrong on the air,

sitting around the fireplace, hot casserole, finding a book to peruse.

soda fountains, jukeboxes, triple scoop cones,

Chuck Berry singing, twirling in your poodle skirt,

the smell of a candy shop, chocolate only a dime,

ponytails, white high-tops, and turtleneck sweaters.

getting your picture taken, browsing old photo albums,

playing at the park, marbles, tag, and jump rope.

a longing face turned upon the toy shop, all the goodies inside,

cooking meals, sitting together, saying grace, with hope.

picnics in the shade, laughter, games of croquet,

happy reunions, playing cards, telephones ringing,

climbing trees, dangling on swings, swimming in the creek,

watching the sun set, the stars come out, leaving you wondering.

Saturday morning cartoons, your favorite cereal,

your parent's old Elvis records playing loud,

jeans, tie-dye shirts, platform shoes, funky disco moves,

wondering if your ancestors would be proud.

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