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Can we all pretend that YG doesn't suck here? Because it's going to fuck up my plot if I change their label. ㅠㅠ

Ps. So glad to be back! Sorry if updates are delayed for the mean time, I fucked up the timeline and am currently trying to fix it.

Please take care of me as we go along this new journey! 🙇🏻‍♀️

[September 2016]

I shook my head when the stylist handed me the short skirt, "I'm not going to wear that." I thought we already agreed to this? Prior to this day, I already told them I wouldn't wear short skirt, shorts, or anything revealing unless I wanted to.

The stylist pouted, "Gaeul-ah, people are already talking about why you always wear pants."

I blew out my cheeks, "I am not people. Please let me wear what I'm comfortable wearing."

It's only been three weeks since I debuted with my three comembers. Just three weeks and people are already questioning my choice of clothes like why I haven't been wearing shorts, or why my shoes aren't high heels. Sometimes I don't understand why I had to deal with so much stress in order to achieve what I want in life.

Just three weeks in this industry and I already want to close the curtains and tell everyone that the show is over, that I'd like my own life back because my life for the past two months has been hectic and chaotic in a lot of ways. It's like walking on thin ice and any moment, I'd fall under and would never be able to come back to where I was before.

When we all thought that the curiosity of the netizens would die down eventually, we were wrong. Countless of articles have been spreading every single day as to asking the 'why' questions they've already asked for so many times before. Rumors have been established and people are already making their own conspiracy theories as weeks pass.

I locked my phone right after I read the most recent article I saw. Disgusting scars on my legs? Bullshit. Is that the best thing they can come up with? And an insider told them about it? Who's that insider even? Or is there really an insider to start with?Shitty media.

Yeoreum started laughing at the back of the car, "Have you read this one? They said Gaeul have chicken pox wounds!"

Prime and Gyeoul started laughing as well, I crossed my arms and stared at the street outside. We're on our way back to the company building to talk about this issue again, which only means they will try to convince me to start wearing shorts just so people would stop talking about it and creating groundless rumors.

"They don't even know that Gaeul has the best legs among us," Gyeoul stated.

I wear shorts. Inside the dorm or while rehearsing, but I change into pants once I go out in public. My members have always seen me wearing short ones, especially during rehearsals because it helps me move even more freely. They always praised me for having longer legs and 'flawless' one even if I don't think that way since I have a half inch scar at the side of my knees that I got during predebut days.

I was the last one to join the company, I had the shortest training experience which meant I had to work triple times harder to keep up with the other three.

One thing I'm really glad for is that my members never forced me to wear something short even with all these rumors because they know what I was standing up for and they support me for that, I just don't understand why the company still wants me to conform even when I've already explained it to them a hundred times before.

The sight of our building made me sigh, I prepared my patience before our manager opened the door as it feels like it will be tested again today.

"Go straight to Conference Room A," he instructed.

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