Chapter Eight - Freedom?

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My heels slapped the cobbled ground with an audible click as I hastily stormed down the alleys of Whitechapel. I needed to find the origin of that disastrous art book.

As I reached old castle street, I noticed that the market was no longer there - all the sellers had already packed up and left the night before. With a frustrated grunt, I threw my back against a wall and slid down to the ground.

The book fell from my petticoat and landed in a puddle by my side. I gave it a side glance, and reluctantly picked it up. I knew that this book was some kind of dark relic that I shouldn't keep.

I found myself opening it up and placing my hand across a blank page. With unimaginable pain, my skin writhed and peeled back off me and onto the page, becoming a static portrait on paper once more.

A silent tear rolled down my face as I tried to blank out the pain. I looked down and to my relief, my clothes and physique were back to normal. I decided that from that moment onwards I would never use that cursed book ever again - but oh, I was had no idea about the future that the book held for me.


Sorry for the short chapter! I've had a bit of writer's block lately and I've been super, super busy. I think the quality of my chapters is going downhill, but in a few weeks or so it'll get better (I hope xD) If anyone is actually reading this book, please feel free to drop any comments about your opinions on the characters/plot or any suggestions! 


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