List of Colors w/Definitions {N-T}

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Nacarat: bright orange-red

Nankeen: brownish-yellow

Navajo White: orangish white color; pastel yellow orange

Navy: dark blue

Nigrine: black

Niveous: snowy; white

Ochre: yellowish or yellow-brown color

Ochroleucous: yellowish white

Olivaceous: olive-colored or heraldic color gold or yellow

Pavonated: peacock-blue

Periwinkle: a bluish or azure color; a plant with bluish flowers
Perse: dark blue or bluish-gray; cloth of such a color

Phoeniceous: bright scarlet-red color

Piceous-like: pitch; inflammable; reddish black

Plumbeous: leaden; lead-colored

Ponceau: poppy red

Porphyrous: purple

Porraceous: leek-green

Prasinous: leek-green color

Primrose: pale yellow

Puccoon: blood-root; dark red color

Puce: brownish-purple; purplish-pink

Puniceous: bright or purplish red

Puerperal: purple

Purpura: heraldic purple color

Pyrrhus: reddish; ruddy

Rhodopsin: visual purple

Rubiginous: rusty-colored

Rubious: ruby red; rusty

Rufous: reddish or brownish-red

Russet: reddish brown

Sable: black; dark; of a black color in heraldry

Saffron: orange-yellow

Sage: gray-green color

Sanguineous: bloody; of, like or pertaining to blood; blood-red

Sapphire: deep pure blue

Sarcoline: flesh-colored

Sepia: fine brown

Sinopia: preparatory drawing for a fresco; reddish-brown color

Slate: dull dark blue-grey

Smalt: glass colored blue with cobalt oxide

Solferino: purplish red

Sorrel: reddish-brown; light chestnut

Spadiceous: chestnut-colored

Stammel: coarse woollen fabric, usually dyed red; bright red color

Stramineous: strawy; light; worthless; straw-colored

Suede: light beige

Sulphureous: bright yellow-tan; tawny

Taupe: brownish-grey

Tawny: brownish-yellow

Teal: greenish-blue

Terra Cotta: reddish-brown

Testaceous: of or having a hard shell; brick-red

Tilleul: pale yellowish-green

Titian: red-gold or reddish-brown

Topaz: dark yellow

Turquoise: blue-green

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