110 List of Fears

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1. Fear of Snakes

2. Fear of Heights

3. Fear of Flying (on a plane)

4. Fear of Public Speaking

5. Fear of Darkness and Dark Places

6. Fear of Not being able to Escape

7. Fear of Spiders

8. Fear of Terror Attacks

9. Fear of Rejection

10. Fear of Getting Cancer

11. Fear of Small Confined Spaces

12. Fear of Failure

13. Fear of Vomiting

14. Fear of Intimacy

15. Fear of Poverty

16. Fear of Getting Hurt

17. Fear of Losing Good Health

18. Fear of Choking & Suffocation

19. Fear of Testing HIV Positive

20. Fear of Bridges

21. Fear of Ghosts

22. Fear of Clowns

23. Fear of Storms

24. Fear of Death

25. Fear of Drowning

26. Fear of Being Buried Alive

27. Fear of Needles

28. Fear of Mice

29. Fear of Lizards

30. Fear of Getting a Shot

31. Fear of Babies

32. Fear of Cockroaches

33. Fear of Being Raped

34. Fear of Deep Water

35. Fear of Strangers

36. Fear of Commitment

37. Fear of Insects

38. Fear of Wild Animals

39. Fear of Germs

40. Fear of Losing One's Job

41. Fear of Being Alone

42. Fear of Headaches

43. Fear of Sharks

44. Fear of Swine Flu

45. Fear of Growing Old

46. Fear of Crowds

47. Fear of Floods

48. Fear of Cats

49. Fear of Driving

50. Fear of Tall Buildings

51. Fear of Being Watched

52. Fear of Wide Open Spaces

53. Fear of Being in an Accident

54. Fear of Numbers

55. Fear of Diabetes

56. Fear of Aliens

57. Fear of Dogs

58. Fear of Having Sex

59. Fear of Blood

60. Fear of Ocean & the Sea

61. Fear of Bugs

62. Fear of Being Abused

63. Fear of Having a Heart Attack

64. Fear of Long words

65. Fear of Number 666

66. Fear of Moths and Butterflies

67. Fear of Birds

68. Fear of the Opposite Sex

69. Fear of High Blood Pressure

70. Fear of Success

71. Fear of Children

72. Fear of Acne

73. Fear of Bears

74. Fear of Growing Bald

75. Fear of Bankruptcy

76. Fear of God

77. Fear of Being Robbed

78. Fear of Wild Bulls

79. Fear of Change

80. Fear of Bats

81. Fear of Doctors

82. Fear of Dentists

83. Fear of Disease

84. Fear of Elevators

85. Fear of Tunnels

86. Fear of Getting Pregnant

87. Fear of Earthquakes

88. Fear of Fires

89. Fear of Gangs

90. Fear of Growing Fat

91. Fear of Hurricanes

92. Fear of Glass

93. Fear of Haunted Places

94. Fear of Kissing

95. Fear of Lakes & Rivers

96. Fear of Guns and other Arms

97. Fear of Midgets

98. Fear of Loud Noise

99. Fear of Monkeys

100. Fear of Monday Mornings

101. Fear of Nurses

102. Fear of Monks & Priests

103. Fear of the Police

104. Fear of Responsibility

105. Fear of Dark Shadows

106. Fear of Sharp or Pointed Objects

107. Fear of Squirrels

108. Fear of Tornados

109. Fear of People

110. Fear of War

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