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                                                                          Roy’s P.O.V.

 I smiled at myself in the mirror as I adjusted my tie. Turning my head side by side, I straightened my back, pleased with what I saw staring back at me. 

“Have a great day at work, honey.” I turned around to see my soon-to-be-wife, Mae walk into the bedroom. She wrapped her slender arms around my neck and gave me a small peck on the lips. 

“I love you,” she whispered. 

“I love you too,” I whispered back. 

She stepped back and I placed my hands on her shoulders. Her smiling face was complimented with the two dimples on either side of her cheeks, and her wavy brown hair rested on her shoulders. 

“I’ll be back soon,” I said as I walked out of the bedroom and out the door. 

As I walked towards my car, I thought about simply how perfect life was. My company was thriving, I was going to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world-- everything was finally coming together in place. 

And I couldn’t wait to enjoy it. 

                                                                Scarlett’s P.O.V.

“I a-apologize Miss R-randolski, I-I’ll r-redo th-the r-report right a-away.”

My glare refused to soften at the poor, ignorant nitwit in front of me as he quivered in fear. He’s been at the company for three years now, any dimwit should know how I want my reports formatted after three years. 

I sighed, “I expect it to be completed before I leave work at the end of the day, Mr. Gutman.” 

“O-of c-course, ma’am,” he gulped, “I w-will m-make sure to f-finish it.” 

“Good.” I threw the unsatisfactory report into the trash bin and shooed the poor man out the door. As soon as he left, I leaned back in my chair and sighed. Everyday different people came in with the same mistakes, the cycle repeats over and over again and I’m simply sick of it.

I sat up as my phone began buzzing in my pocket, pulling it out, I check the caller ID: Father. Surprised, I answered quickly, “Hello, Father,”

“Scarlett, are you free during lunch?” 

“No, I have an important meeting today, why?”

“Cancel it. You’re going on a lunch date with the son of the CEO of Yule’s Chemical Company.”

I let out a sigh of frustration, “Father, I’ve told you to stop getting involved in my personal life! I’ll figure it out on my own so stop setting up these random dates.”

“You never handle anything on your own! I want to have grandkids before I die, Scarlett. You’re already 27 years old now!” 

“I’m not going out. I have important things to do, Father. Tell Juls to go instead.”

I could sense my father’s temper rising, “What have I done wrong that none of my children ever listen to me? Do you think I’m a powerless fool sitting here in the hospital? Scarlett Randolski you better go on that date or I’ll-“

In frustration, I hung up, cutting off his voice in mid-sentence. Leaning back, I closed my eyes. I felt my phone vibrate again, and without even checking, declined the call. There was no way I was going to date now—not after him. Not after Jason. 

My thoughts broke and I opened my eyes as I heard a knock on my door, “Come in.” I called, adjusting myself in my chair.

My secretary, Lucy, walked in, “Ma’am, the investor from Chicago is here to see you.” 

“Wonderful, let him in.” I said as I got up from my desk chair. 

Time to go back to life and back to reality. 


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