Depression is Inevitable

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"One down, one more to go" said Johnny, his eyes heavy. His cursor waiting patiently on the send button, when suddenly a loud blare went off. Gasps filled the room, then chuckles.

"Looks like it's time" he said right before clicking send,

"Time to go home," Johnny said grinning, "hehe, that never gets old" exclaiming as his joke was turned down by his co-workers' cold stares. Depressed as the chuckles died down and eerie silence hastily replaced it.

This was basically Johnny's life. Work, eat, get a couple jokes out, and sleep. Johnny was your average worker; he had blue eyes, blonde hair, and a slim physique. He's literally your average Joe, except his name is Johnny.

It was a gruesome day as Johnny would describe it. Deadlines, meetings, deadlines crossing paths with meetings. His hectic schedule was never enough, almost reminding him how he felt when he was in college. Except "gruesome" would not suffice as an appropriate adjective.

And then he remembered he had another deadline to meet tomorrow


His grumbling stomach went with it and decided to growl

"We'll get there soon."he said to his demanding tummy.

It was going to be just another regular day when he heard something fizzing from below.

"Keep it down will you." Johnny complained to his stomach.

Then a voice from behind responded,


Wasted InsanityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora