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It is

It burns

It's been

It will never be

Forever unclean
My corrupt

• • •

Five days are what have been.
Five days of burning within.

I felt light headed laying under this cover.
I felt numb and started to ponder.

How long would it take for me to recover?
Here as I lay, losing my color.

I've lost so much blood, I want to call for help.
But my mind is saying, "Deal with it yourself."

My mother has been calling; she's worried sick.
But I haven't answered; I'm not very quick.

I pick up my phone which has been ringing nonstop.
She answers immediately, "I was ready to call the cops!"

"Where have you been? You haven't answered my calls."
Feeling tired, I began to stall.

"How are you? It's been a while since we spoke."
Already, my voice began to choke.

"What's wrong? Have you been crying?"
"Not at all, though I feel like I'm dying."

"What's the matter? Tell me what happened!"
"Just the usual: feeling abandoned."

"Abandoned by who? By me and your father?"
"No, not at all. I'm your precious daughter."

Here with my words, I began to feel flawed.
"Not by you, but your cynical god."

"What has He done to make you say this?"
"Oh, just made me suffer beyond a death with."

"What do you mean? I don't understand!"
"I would think not since it isn't so grand."

"It's actually quite common, you see.
It's not rare rare at all, what happened to me."

"Just tell me what happened, I'm here to support you.
I may understand just what you've been through."

But I couldn't explain; it could not be.
I couldn't tell her what was wrong with my body.


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