The Wonky Weather

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The weather this summer has been blowing hot and cold...and I'm not referring to the phrase. It's literally switching betwen hot and cold weather every other day. One day I'll wear shorts, tshirt, and sandals. Other days I'll wear a light jacket over a hoodie with jeans.

It also doesn't help that as a lazy individual, I like to maximize sleeping time, and minimize awake time. So I get up and get dressed according to the TTC schedule, so by the time I'm ready to leave, I can just exit my house and the bus will arrive with no waiting in between. Thank you TTC app (our transit system for non-canadians).

All of this, and it is deep into July already; It should be prime summer weather. Here's hoping that I can wash all of my "winter wear" and tuck it away for the next little while soon. Otherwise, I'll just pack two pairs of clothing everyday. It seems like that is where Canadian weather is heading, unable to make up its mind...much like...^^


Do you get crazy weather? How is it where you live? Comment below

P.S. Today is a shorts/tshirt day.

P.S.S. The next chapters should get more exciting, but there is no guarantee. Weather can only be so much fun...

Lastly, like to thank DameCarnelian for the amazing Canadian cover! Follow her!


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