I'm Sorry

367 31 14

I'm sorry for posting late...

Canadians get a bad rep for over-apologizing, but it's part of what makes us Canadian. I've apologized after someone else apologized for bumping into me on numerous occassions, and I don't think I see an end in sight. It's just so natural to say "I'm sorry."

What am I to do about this? Obviously test how many times I actually say "sorry" in a 24 hour period. My results? Ten times (give or take). What I realized though, was I wasn't apologizing in the context of doing something wrong necessarily. I was using "sorry" for situations where I just wanted to wiggle my way out of something, or as sarcasm, etc. There were only a few times where I said "sorry" because I was in the wrong.

Assuming I'm not in the minoritiy with how I use "sorry," I will say the perception Canadians are nice because we over-apologize is really deceiving. Canadians employ "sorry" as a way to show remorse, be passive-aggressive, as an insult, etc.

So the next time you (non-Canadians) hear us saying "sorry," make sure you listen carefully. It may not be us just being nice.


How many times do you say sorry in a 24 hour period? Do you always use it out of remorse, or for other reasons as well?

Make sure to view the media content. There is a YouTube video that nicely explains how Canadians use "sorry" in all situations.


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