|6|~ Dungeons to dreamhouse~

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Claire POV.

"Leave it to the human that so boldly spat in my face to find a way out of her cell."

His husky voice sends chills down my spine. He picks me up off the ground and throws me over his shoulder. My buttocks still sting from the impact of the fall.

"Let me down this very instant! You, you . . . blood-sucking leech!" I scream, pounding on King Nicklaus's stone-hard back.

And just like that, he drops me on the floor with a thud.

Asshole. I hate him with a burning intense passion. I hate all of them.

"Suit yourself, sweetheart. From the looks of it, I guess you are already aware of your werewolf cellmate that has escaped?"

I gulp as the memory of the woman beast transformation flashes across my memory with a vengeance.

A werewolf, like a real live werewolf. I was under the impression that their kind had gone extinct a long time ago. No wonder my body naturally sensed her presence as a threat. Werewolves are cruel, menacing creatures, just like vampires. They also believe that they are a superior race. Legend has it that the vampires and werewolves had been at war long before the Awakening. Unfortunately, we humans didn't come into play until after the Awakening. The history books made it seem like vampires demolished the werewolf kind before they presented themselves to the human race.

Just thinking about her scary yellow orbs is enough to make me jump onto Nicklaus. Surprisingly, his big magnificent body accepts me with open arms. I bury my face into his shoulder, hovering away in fear.

How silly of me to run away from one monster only to depend on being saved by another!

His body visibly goes stiff. I'm quite sure he is about to throw me flat on my ass for the second time until his minty breath fans over my skin and his lips trail dangerously close to the crook of my neck. My heart thunders to a new beat inside my chest, crashing, no, spiraling out of control. The top of his body is completely bare, and I can feel his muscles visibly flex against me.

Oh my, they feel glorious.

I so foolishly pull my face away from his neck as he lowers his lips closer to my own. His head abruptly snaps up, and once again, he drops me flat on my ass right before a furry creature slams straight into him, enough to bring me back to my senses. I jump to my feet, just in time to see him and the creature spiral into battle.

"The little wolf found her way out of the cage after all," he taunts before he moves too quickly for my human eyes.

The beast woman shifts her attention to me, causing my entire body to freeze upon realizing what's happening. Before her massive wolf paw can take a step in my direction, she is knocked onto her side. Muffled sounds escape her lips when King Nicklaus effortlessly snaps her neck in a second.

"I knew that silver collar had no effect on that bitch. She was really under the impression that she could fool me," he says with a smirk.

His eyes trail me as he continues, "Leave it to my chosen to be the one to get the dog to speak. I knew I could depend on you."

His words register in my head. He used me. He put me in that cage on purpose to test a theory. I could have been killed by that dangerous creature, not that it would matter in the end but still. It's the point that he used me to his advantage.

Anger blazes up inside me.

"Leave it to your kind to utilize humans as if we are at your disposal," I snap back.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now