|84| ~The Queen Has Awakened~

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Claire POV.
Queen Claire in media 👑

Who's in danger? I question Aurora, only for her to ignore me, once again.

"Your destiny awaits you," is her response. "It has begun."

Destiny?! I'm so sick of the words destiny and chosen. "What the hell are you talking about," My patience with Aurora, this bullshit witch business and Chosen One fuckery is running thin.

"Nothing you say makes a lick of sense. You swear, I'm the Chosen this and Chosen that but yet, you still refuse to tell me what the fuck being Chosen One even means. You know what, screw this."

I had it with this bullshit!

I walk off in the opposite direction, even though I don't have the slightest clue of how I'm supposed to get out of this fucking dream state creepy witch spell.

"The war of all of the species is coming," she announces from behind me, and my feet suddenly stop working. "Your union to the vampire King is far from welcomed. Many shall fight against it. Many will die to protect it and many will die because of it,"

I was about to tell her to go fuck herself into she continues. "That's why you are the Chosen One. You're the light who will give back everything the darkness has taken away," she declares. "You will give back everything your beloved has stolen."

"I still don't get it."

"In due time you shall," Aurora answers proudly. Once, again her eyes scan's me up and down and then they settle onto my stomach for a brief second before they make their way back up to my face. "You are brave enough to explore the darkness," she explains, walking over to me. "You hold the infinity power of light."

"But I,"

"Always remember that love is a force as powerful and as strange as the power of the emerald, my child," she says, before I have a chance to question her further. Her eyes flicker onto the pendant around my neck.

Her delicate hands touch the emerald and I swear. I can feel the intense raw power traveling from her very soul directly into the pendant.

She suddenly pulls me into her arms and gives me a big loving squeeze, just like a mother would do. "Your first challenging is to show them what happens when they challenge the reign of The True Queen. The gypsy is praying for you speedy receiver, it's time to go." she says, sounding amused.

"What gypsy?" Aurora flashes that god beautiful smile of hers.

"Remember all that you were told, my dear and everything that you have learned before this. Everything that you have experienced through your life span has been for a reason, especially your encounters with the Vampire Kings."

Before, I could respond time slows down around us and gravity shifts. My skin instantly tingles. My heart start's to pound rapidly and my neck suddenly itches.

"Make me proud," she says as a bright, electric, emerald green, light blind me and an unknown force knocks me down to the ground
Nicklaus POV.

"Get the fuck up, now," Xander yells overlaps the ringing sound, buzzing inside of my ear. My head is pounding viciously and the smell of fire, blood, and death smothers my senses whole. I must've blanked out from the force of the blast. I remember Xander yanking me out of the tent just in time.

Xander gives me his hand to take and pulls me up to my feet. How long have I been out? I question myself, the ringing inside of my ears still haven't stopped. Claire crown is nowhere to be found, fuck I must have lost it in the blast.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora