Chapter Twenty-Three: Starlight Celebration, Pt 1

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Katerin awoke late that night—her head resting on Fykes' shoulder as he snored quietly beside her—and she snorted. She really had been tired after the fighting. The last she remembered, she was sitting up talking with Arjiah and tending to her wounds.

The hair on her arms prickled suddenly. She scooted out from under the blanket, grunting with the effort her stiff muscles did not want to offer. She looked through the magical barrier that she had cast around their camp, to keep them from drawing any undue attention , and through its haze she saw a lone figure silhouetted in the moonlight, not far from their camp. She stilled while watching the form, fear tingling in her lower back. She knew it was impossible to see through the barrier from the outside, but she still felt as though the figure was looking right at her. The figure bowed deeply before it turned and walked away. Its large shadow reminded her of a bear standing on two legs before it disappeared in silence.

She sat awake for several minutes, watching the land outside the magical barrier until the feeling of being watched faded and she fell back into a much-needed rest.

The next day's travel was pleasant despite the fact they were all exhausted and still injured. The forest around them seemed almost calmer. More peaceful than it had felt the day before, and though their travel was slow, they encountered no trouble. Katerin had to lean heavily on her staff, and she kept one arm close to her side. She had refused to let Arjiah wrap it in place, on the grounds that she might need it. The healing magic helped immensely, of course, but what she truly needed was rest. She loathed the idea of being restricted if she had to fight again.

The forest song was contented and peaceful, and a light breeze followed them.

They had to search for a while to find Ky'lei'mei, despite their previous visit. It was difficult to find, hidden by the branches as it was. As they climbed the ropes late that evening, they were met with cheers and smiles, no longer getting strange looks and quiet stares.

Sa'leid and Ra'liel rushed to meet them as they were welcomed. It was impossible to enter Ky'lei'mei without being seen.

Ra'liel smiled broadly at them. "I see you have returned. I take it to mean your deal is complete?" When they nodded, she gestured further into the trees, "The Lady Avris will wish to speak with you, then."

They walked the swinging wooden bridges between the trees, injured and tired, but victorious.

Arnet paced in his study, the skeletal tips of his fingers brushing across a table as he passed it

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Arnet paced in his study, the skeletal tips of his fingers brushing across a table as he passed it. Byron was later than usual, but he would return soon. He had been ever-busy these past days, working with the Reclaimer to energize and sustain it. They were getting closer with every passing hour. Arnet held the single lavender hair in his hand, rolling it back and forth. He had found quite the hidden gem.

The other celestial-blooded that walked this realm were almost always better at hiding their heritage. Though he supposed very few were smart enough to hide it around those they cared for. He walked around the circle in the floor with swaying movements. He was quite contented. Everything was moving smoothly, and though he had lost Val'esis, he could do without him.

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