Chapter Thirty-Three: Relics of the Gods

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They arrived in Uhm'trimbhya in the mid-afternoon. It had been another two-day journey from the mountaintop across the hot wind-swept plains. They now stood in the shade of a giant tree, supposedly a twin to the tree that housed Ky'lei'mei. It was bigger around than the keep in O'siaris, and taller than they could comprehend, and it stood alone in the grass of the plains, mountains gleaming behind it.

A leather-armored individual dropped from the branches above them, landing easily on the ground. "You arrived!" she said, a broad smile on her face. Her dark skin was worn from the sun, and she bore a scar across one cheek. "Was your journey safe?" she asked, as she hugged Ra'liel and her child. The woman's Uhma'zarhin accent was even stronger than Ra'liel's, somehow.

"Ar'eile," Ra'liel smiled and nodded. "We made it fine. There are many more orcs now," she said.

Ar'eile spit, a grimace on her face. "Pests," she said. "Ihr'kahn will explain more."

Looking past Ra'liel to the group behind her, Katerin grinned. All except Brazen were sun-burnt to a crisp. Arjiah was in the middle of pouring water over herself again.

"Please, find some shade with us," Ar'eile said, gesturing to the tree. Her glance moved past them then, to Auglier and Kura, who were not far behind. Her eyes widened, and she dropped into a deep bow. She turned, as if in a hurry and placed her palm upon the tree. A doorway wide enough for two people opened from the bark. Invisible to the eye while closed.

Just inside were two curving wooden staircases in normal Uhma'zarhin fashion, a part of the tree itself. The sight at the bottom of the stairway left Katerin breathless. An open natural cavern spread out before them. Small points of light shimmering between the roots, borne from heat-less lanterns. It looked as if someone had taken Ky'lei'mei, and inverted it.

Ar'eile leaned toward Ra'liel as they entered and whispered just loud enough that Katerin could hear. "You bring the Watcher?"

"He asked to accompany us," Ra'liel replied, just above a whisper.

Houses and buildings were shaped into the roots themselves. Tiers of walkways curved naturally around the space, winding up and down. People walked the space with the calm confidence of trained fighters. Almost every person wore armor and carried weapons--even several children. As they walked, Ra'liel explained that Ky'lei'mei was the peaceful of the sisters. Uhm'trimbyha was the home of the warriors—they fought and protected the lands on this side of the mountains, where fighting was much more common. Katerin noted far fewer women and children here, and the ones here looked quite different. All sure fighters along with the men, no soft dresses or flowers in their hair. Auglier and Kura had moved silently off on their own path, leaving the rest of them to their travel down the thick roots and soft soil interior.

They met Ihr'kahn in a large open room, with benches and simple tables filling the space. He was an older man with long, pure white hair pulled back into a thick braid. Weathered and scarred skin, with a cloth patch covering one eye. He stood straight, weapons glistening in the light.

As they approached, he hugged Ra'liel and nodded to the rest. "Welcome to our home," he said, in a thick, strong voice. "Avris spoke very highly of you and your abilities."

They bowed in customary Ky'leinian fashion, their hands held together, with fingers always pointed toward the person to which they bowed.

"Thank you for having us," Katerin said.

He took a seat on a bench and gestured for them to do the same. He lacked the regal quality Avris held, but he had an air of command to his movements that were similar to Graiden's, in a much less formal way. "You're here to find your mother, yes? Drider was an excellent guest... we hope to see her again."

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