Chapter One

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" Once a upon a time there lived a girl who is different than others. She loved the nature a lot. She was the only daughter of emperor. And she was engaged to a ruthless princes. She was the total opposite of her finance. She was kind, caring, always helped other, loved the nature, adore the animals and never thought  twice to sacrifice anything for others. She had a habit to talk with the moon every night. She always went to a cliff in the jungle at night to talk with the moon. One night when she was so sad with her fiances rude behavior towards her she went to the cliff to talk with moon. But suddenly from nowhere a big black wolf  appeared in front of her. It was wounded. As soon as it saw the girl it collapsed on the ground because of the exhausted. Being the nice girl of her she treated the wolf wound. and waited for the wolf to wake up. In the morning when she woke up the wolf wasn't there. And the night when she went there again the wolf  appeared next to her and laid its' head on the girls lap. Days passed and the wolf and girl became so close. The girl told everything to the wolf. And they did the most stupid thing against the nature law. They fell for each other. A animal and a human fell in love. On her wedding day She ran away from the wedding to the wolf. But ruthless prince didn't let her go easily. he followed her to wood with his men to kill her. It was a big chaos in the wood.The whole forest was burning and men were following her. Suddenly the wolf came in front of her and killed the men who were following her. But It couldn't fight a whole army alone. They killed it in front of her. Her so called fiance ripped its' head in front of her eyes. She was helpless. She couldn't save the love of her life. And after killing the wolf the prince leaved her in the wood to die, not before stabbing her in to the heart by a sword. The girl laid there near to the wolf lifeless body still fighting with her breaths to live. The nature witnessed this. They pitied her. And they saved her.The nature choose her as there goddess. As the moon goddess. They gave her a second chance."   And she closed the book she was reading to look at the girl in front of her who looked utterly confused.

"Didn't you like your story dear"

"My story" The girl asked confused.

"Yes dear. When the time comes you will know everything my dear. Now  wake up you are late"  The girl looked at the ethereal beauty in front of her confused. "Ah"

"Wake up"  

"Wake up, Wake up. You are getting late. Wake up" I suddenly woke up from my deep slumber. I looked at my mother confused. Did I just had a dream. Oh God what a weird dream.

"Baby wake up. come on. you are getting late for your flight  Get ready I will prepare the breakfast for you" My mother told while walking away from my room. I lazily walk to my bath room to get ready. My name is Angel Christina, but I hate that name. So everyone Know me as Shenu. I don't know why I liked being called Shenu. I am 20 years old. And today I am leaving to South Korea. It was my dream to live in south korea since I was a teenager. I don't know why there is something in korea which attracted me. I always felt a connection with that country. I am going to a university in there to study business management. After I got my degree I would found a job there and live there. After I get ready I went to the dinning table to see a sulking mother and a comforting father. 

"My child grew up really fast. Today she is leaving us." My mum said in between tears. They both love me a lot and don't want me to leave. But I want to start my life by my self. And they both respect my decision. After all this is my DREAM.

"Honey we have to let her go. She needs to stand on her own feet. Don't discourage her now." My dad said rubbing my mum's back for comfort. 

"Mum, Dad you both know how much I love you two, but this is my only dream mum. I have to go. Otherwise I will live with regret whole my life." I said hugging my mum. Even though it pained me to leave them, I have to. This is what I lived for. This is my dream. A life changing decision in my boring life. I have to do this! 

 "We know baby. No matter what, we will always support you. And we both are proud of you dear" Said my dad hugging both me and my mum.


After back a long painful goodbye to my parents here I am in Seoul waiting for a taxi. "Seoul here I come!" I said with a cheerful voice. My new life start from here.


*Jin's pov *

"Suga can you go and wake up Jungkook?" I asked the grumpy man walking towards me to get a glass of water for him. He cocked and eyebrow at me.

"Do I look like in a mood to get beaten up early in the morning?" He questioned gulping his drink and taking a seat on the dinning table. I really so badly want to lecture him about respect, but I am not in a mood to do that. Beside I am busy preparing breakfast for 6 hungry wolfs. From the corner of my eyes I saw Taehyung looming towards the dinning table.

"Tae can you wake up Ju-" My words were cut off when he took a sharp turn and ran back towards the stair case mumbling he needs to use the bath room. I groaned removing my apron deciding I will wake up that ticking bomb by myself. I walked towards his room and opened his door to see him sleeping there shirtless like a log.

"Yahhhh, Jungkookaaaa Wake  up. We will be late for the practice" I yelled. I walked closer to him and yelled again trying to wake him up but made sure to keep my safe distance.

 No matter how much I yelled this boy wouldn't even budge. I start shaking him " kook wake up!" Ah this is not gonna work. I will have to use my method. I removed his blanket to pinch his nipples and when I was about touch his sensitive  two buds he suddenly opened his eyes big and sat up startling me in the process making me to scream. He just look like a he saw a ghost. "Junkook are you okay?" I asked concerned once I got myself calmed and notice his shock stance. 

"Hyung she is here" I gave him a questioning look when he mumbled those words in daze. 

"who?" I asked confused. 

"SHE IS HERE HYUNG!" He yelled like a crazy man.  Hearing his sound and probably my earlier scream all the other boys burst into his room. Everyone looked at wide eyes jungkook with confusion. 

"Who is here JungkooK" This time Taehyung asked him. Jungkook looked at all of us with wide eyes. I somewhat got concerned at this point. Did he had a nightmare or something and got scared by that? Is that why he acting weird today?

 "I can feel it. I can feel it through the bond. My wolf is overwhelmed." We all gave him a 'what do you mean' look. What is he talking about early in the morning?

"My mate!"                                

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