Chapter 35

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*Jungkook's pov*

They all stared at the giant magnificent black wolf standing in the middle of the pack training ground. But for the first time they didn't look at it with fear instead they looked at with sympathy. Because the black wolf standing in front of them today wasn't there to kill anyone. For the first time it took control to show its' pain. The usual angry growl it would let out was replaced with painful howls today. This is the first time it showed any emotions instead of blood-lust to the pack members. Without waiting to see anyone pitied it Nick dashed away from there, to deep into the wood, to the place where it would go every time to let out it true emotions.

She left us. The only thing kept Nick sane was her. But she is no longer here. I was hoping for a bloodbath when I let Nick finally take control, cause he wasn't able to take control when she left us since I locked him inside my body. But instead of killing who ever cross his path he decide to ran away from there to the cliff where he was used to go when he would think about our mate back then.Cause deep down he know it's our fault that our mate left us. We failed her. So we can't blame anyone else and take out our anger on them.

Nick ran to the cliff and sat on the edge of it staring at the night sky and let out a deep painful howl to the sky. It was a call for his mate which she wouldn't here. Cold wind blew against his silky fur like nature is trying to sooth his aching heart. But no one would be able to heal our heart. No one except her. I remembered earlier this morning what happened before she left.


"I swear to the goddess Jungkook, I would crush your balls if you didn't wake up!" I felt someone shaking my body violently while yelling my name over and over again. I slowly opened my eyes and instead of seeing my mate's sweet face whom I slept with last night, my eyes met with a very pissed off face of Suga hyung. He groaned once he saw my eyes opened and sat down on my bed giving me space to sit. I slowly raised my body and sat down scanning my room for any sign of my mate.

"She is in the down stair." Suga hyung said as sensing whom I am searching for. "We was waiting for you. Since you didn't show up Jin hyung send me here to wake you up." he explained and sighed seeing my emotionless face. We stayed silent like that for few minutes lost in our own thoughts until he decide to break it off.

"You don't want her to leave right?" he asked out of the blue and I couldn't deny it. It was true. No matter how much I said I don't want her, I can't let her go. I don't want to! He stared at my face looking for any responds but sighed again tiredly cause of my lack of responds. "Why don't you accept her Jungkook?" he asked softly causing me to raise my head and look into his serious yet warm eyes. This is him. No matter how hard he tried to show up as a tough guy, deep down he care for all of us genuinely. My eyes watered up seeing the concern in his eyes.

"I d-don't k-know hyung. I-I c-cant!" I trailed off and took a deep breath to calm myself blinking away my un-shed tears. " All my life I saw a mate as a weakness hyung. They all made me think of that way. Everyone tried to take me down thinking I am weak since my mate, the one moon-goddess create for me is dead. There are lot of people who want to take me down hyung. And the only way they can do that is using my mate which I thought I don't have. So I didn't had a weakness in my life until she came off. She is my weakness hyung. I am scared to let her in cause I don't want a weakness hyung. Once I let her into my heart they would try to harm her and make me weak hyung!" I explained sincerely my feelings.

"What about now Jungkook?" he asked. "What about the time Hyungsik took her away?" that instantly make me let out a low growl. "What about the time when Sam tried to mark her?" This time I growled loudly and crashed my bed-lamp into the floor. "You didn't let her in. But didn't you get scared of her safety those times also?" that statement made me froze. "Didn't you?" He asked again. I couldn't deny it either. Even though I didn't accept her I still feel scared about her safety. I did, I do and I would!

The Strongest Alpha's Mate/J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now