Chapter 49

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2 Years Later

*Shenu's pov*

"JEON JUNGKOOK" I yelled slamming the knife into the chopping board as I heard the wailing of one year old infant. Beside me Yunna groaned wiping the kitchen counter clean. It almost noon and both of us are already having enough for the day. Handling two alphas are harder than taking care of toddlers.

"I swear I did nothing!" Jungkook defend walking into the kitchen holding a crying infant. "I just make funny faces to make him laugh." He said with a cute pout on his face. Even though he is annoying the life out of me, I still love this man and I adore everything he does. Tae who stood next to his mate Yunna annoying the daylight out of her chuckled at his younger's struggle to make the child calm down.

"Tae please take the baby from that idiot!" Jungkook looked at me with a offended look when I said that as Tae walked towards him to get the child. Jimin and J-hope oppa also walked into the kitchen just in time to witness the frailer of their younger to look after a child until us two girls finish preparing their meal. Tae took the wailing child into his arm and make him jump up and down on his grip while making weird funny faces to make the child laugh. And that was a perfect success. The infant immediately start giggling at his attempts.

"Hey that's what I also did! But this brat wouldn't laugh at my attempts. He is just like his mother. Born to make my life harder." Jungkook exaggerate folding his arms over his chest. We all chuckled at his offended self.

"Oh come on Jungkook! We know you love Jisoo!" Jimin said patting his shoulder lightly.

"Whatever! Nick would have kill her if she wasn't my sister-in-low and the mother of this brat over here." He scoffed with a roll of his eyes pointing at the now giggling child.

"And why would be that?" J-hope oppa questioned with a raised eyebrow making me to scowl at that. I hate it when someone does that!

"She is the one who encourage Shenu to give me punishments to keep me in control!" came the reply from Jungkook like a immature teen making everyone in the room to burst into laugh at his sad experiences. Sometimes I wonder 'Is this man really the king of all super natural creatures?' Lot of thing happened past two years. We moved out from the dorm to a house boys bought for us as they said, but to us girls it's a mansion. It cause some trouble at begging to adjust the new home since it was far from city, so we had travelling problems. But hey! You don't have to worry when you have a super fast crazy driver like me!

 Woobin oppa become the alpha of full moon pack and Jisoo gave a birth to a boy who isn't in good terms with his uncle right now. The boys also finished their universities while us girls have few more months left to get our degree. They also joined the royal pack to stay close to us except Namjoon oppa. Namjoon oppa was announce as the alpha of dark shadow pack by me on my crowning ceremony. Yes! You heard it right! My crowning ceremony. One year ago my father the king of all super natural creatures decide to step down and hand over the throne to me. I wanted to crown Jungkook as well on that day, but  as he said he didn't want to stole the spot light from me that day. So I crowned him myself three months after. Namjoon oppa also found his mate on Jungkook's crowning ceremony. Bella! She is a very sweet omega girl.

Everything is going great! Well except the times when me and my mate get into arguments. How could we not when I have the most possessive alpha as my mate? In example two weeks ago we got into a big argument when he almost killed a boy work under us in the palace. The fault he did was catching me when I slipped on my steps. The problem was his lips accidentally land on my cheeks when he caught me. The worst was Jungkook stood right there in front of us sitting on the throne to witness it. It took lot of threatening from me to save that boy's poor life from his death grip he had on that boy's neck. He got his life saved under one condition to never to show up anywhere near me ever again in his life. After that incident my female maids also think twice before laying a finger on me in front of my so called possessive alpha. Like Jungkook said it was Jisoo who help to keep this 'possessive alpha ass' under control. Her words! Not mine!

The Strongest Alpha's Mate/J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now