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This is an alternate ending for Season 4, Black Site. Please, don't kill me.

It's Galra on Galra violence!"
"Man, these guys just don't like each other." Says Hunk.
"Guys, there's ships approaching!" Says Keith.
"It's Lotor." Alura exclaimed.
"Guys, the emission spectrum from those ships messed with our cloaking!" Matt yelled, making each paladin pale.
"We might have to engage!" Shiro says, and all Paladins nod their heads.


"There are more ships approaching from behind, what do we do!?!" I yell into the coms, as I dodge enemy fire.
"Katie, what if we separate into lions? That way it's five against them, we might stand a better chance." Says my amazing brother.
"Do it, everyone, back into lions!" Then we go out of Voltron and into separate lions. When we separate back into lions, I noticed that the Galra where focused on me in green rather than Shiro in Black.

"Hey, have you guys noticed how the Galra are more focused about green rather than black?? What in the quiznack is that about?" I yelled into the com, as I dodged blaster fire. I heard the others reply, things along the lines of; Yeah, you're right. Suddenly, a large blast is fired at Green, I scream in pain, Matt yelled in pain, and green, she shut down. I came back round, when I felt a hand in my shoulder, I looked and saw Matt. However, I gasped, for his eyes where glowing purple. Matt has chestnut brown eyes!! I panicked, big mistake. Green ejected us from her cockpit, and we where launched into space. I saw my friends battling the Galra, but then I turned around, just in time to. Matt charged me with a gun, I activated my bayard and countered him.

I couldn't actually hurt my big brother, I only was fighting to defend myself, he was fighting to kill me. I knew I had to get back to green, I had to get back to my lion and save my brother.

"Matt, stop! What are you doing!?!?"

"Just give up Katie, it's over. The Galra have won, there is no point fighting them." I stared shocked at my brother, this isn't him.

"Matt, this isn't you! The Galra are monsters, they held you prisoner for a year!!! They took you and dad from me and mom! What's gotten in to you?!?"

"Oh, this is me Katie. I don't want to make this harder than necessary, just let me end this. I can end all of your pain, I can free you from the hurt."

"No! Matt, you're not making sense!"

"Katie, just let me save you!" Then he spots my arm, the one I use for my bayard. I scream in pain, and I go flying back towards green. I hit her hard, I'm disoriented, but then I see a purple flash hurtling towards me. I pale and close my eyes, ion cannon blast, if this is my end, so be it. It hits me and green dead on, I scream, a bloodcurdling scream full of pain and heartache. My vision starts to darken, and I hear my teams muffled cries of alarm. Then, nothing. I let a tear slide down my face as I see my helmet shatter, exposing me to the vacuum of space. I let that tear fall for my heart hurt, how could Matt do this to me? Then, nothing.


I saw green get hit, but was too busy to help Pidge. I saw her eject, but thought nothing of it. It wasn't till I saw her and Matt in a heated battle, and an ion blast hittin her, that I realized she was in trouble.

"Pidge!" I screamed into our com as her scream chilled all of our blood. Then we saw the Galra capture the green lion and Pidge and Matt, we tried to get them, but there where just too many. We where forced to return to the castle, without our youngest member. Shiro, he was so shocked, and heartbroken. I haven't seen him exit his room since we got back, ahunk hasn't stopped cooking, Lance, he's being Lance. Then me, I'm doing everything I can to get her back. Nobody is gonna take away my family, not while I still breath. Cuz I sure as hell ain't loosing another family.


Ok, so, the first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes, my head hurt like hell. Or as Coran would say, like a wizblatting wombe.(spelling is probably horribly wrong, don't judge!) I looked at myself, well, I looked at what I could move. I gasped, I now had a scar running along my side. I was in Galra prisoner clothes, and I couldn't move half of my body, the half that got a new scar.

I quickly felt my head and sighed in relief, my special trick still was there. You see, Galra don't remove jewelry, so I knew the headband thing would be safe. I felt my hair and gasped, it was to my shoulders. That meant I had been out for two rotations!!! I sat up, and took in my surroundings. What I saw made me want to cry, it was my dad, and Matt!?!?

"Oh, hello. Your awake, it seems the Galra have taken another poor child from earth. Tell me sweetheart, did they take you from the garrison as well?" Years where forming in my eyes, but then I noticed something, my own dad didn't recognize me. Then I looked at my hair color, I gasped. My hair was now black, and you could still see specks of my once chestnut brown locks.

"I'm guessing that you didn't always look like this?" I try to respond, but my voice is very horce. So I just nod my head, then grab a piece of chalk from my cool bracelet, then write on the wall: Are you Sam Holt? From Kerberos mission? Is that your son Matt? Have you heard of Voltron?

"Yes I'm Sam and this is Matt, and of course I've heard of Voltron, who hasn't." I smirk slightly at this then quickly write down: Don't worry, Voltron will save us, I know the Paladins personally, they will come for us. Just believe, oh, and there is a certain family back on earth just waiting for you to come home.

"Oh my god! Coleen, Katie!! I almost forgot about them, I've been so worried about Matt and trying to survive, my poor girls." I place a comforting hand on my dads shoulder, but then the door to our cell opens, and Hagar steps in. I stand protectively in front of my family, and I sneer/ growl at Hagar.

"Ahh, so it was true. The Green Paladin was taken, how wonderful. Drewids, grab her and bring her to my special room, we need to get information out of this pesky one. She always is hacking into our systems, but the other Paladins seem to protect her more, her and her green lion.

"H-Hagar!" I managed to say, an I sounded angry.

"Why bellow Green Paladin, seems like you got your voice back."

"Go to hell you psychotic witch! I don't even think your really Zatkons second in command, your more like his pet!" I say at her, receiving a lovely blast of magic.

"Seems like all earthlings have the gall to speak of Zarkon that way. Maybe we should invade your planet just to teach you manners!"

"No! Leave our planet alone!" Then I'm grabbed and screaming insults as I'm dragged away from the cell with my family.

"Leave my family alone you insane bastard!" This shocked dad, and Matt was still unconscious, how, I got no clue.

"Drewids take her there at once." I was dragged away, trying to get free, and to get back to green. However, I had to stop my attempts, I would just have to wait a bit. Patients yields focus.

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