It will be Me

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Ok, so we all got in the air not too long after Allura haloed me. Earth is still being attacked, and something has felt off in me. Like I'm changing on the  molecular  level. So far we've almost won the battle, but then Hagar just had to send in a ro-beast.

"Paladins of Voltron, give me the green one, and we'll leave you. Or be destroyed."

"Never gonna happen Hagar!" Shiro yelled into the com.

"Fine, Bear this beast! Oh, but don't deal with the loss to hard!" Then she laughs and disappeared. The ro-beast was ugly! It was like a quintessence infused mutated klanmüral.

"What the quiznack?!?"

"Form Voltron!" We formed Voltron, but then the garrison intervened.

"Unidentifiable thing, identify yourself."

"Iverson, this is Shiro, Lance, Keith, Hunk, and Pidge are fighting in the robot. Do not fire."

"What?! Takashi? Cadets? Gunderson?"

"Actually, it's Holt. I'm not Pidge, I'm actually Katie Holt."


"Shut up Iverson and trust us?!?" Keith yelled, as we engaged the monster.

Time skip(they got their butts handed to them)

"Uggg this isn't working, Shiro we need a plan!" I yelled into the com, but then, as it was charging for another attack, my bayard thing opened up. Weird, mine hasn't done that before.

"Guys, I know what to do!" 

"Then do it!" Shuro yelled, I was yelling as I put my bayard into the thingy. 

A cannon formed on green, I fired. It was like my nature gun thing, but stronger. Green energy was attacking the monster, but it was fireing on me. I was able to turn my bayard more, so I did. The cannon turned into electric thingy. We punched the monster, but it let out another blast of energy, and I felt myself slipping away.

"Matt, I don't think I'm gonna be able to tell you this in person, but I love you sooo much. My memories of you and dad kept me going, and led me to do the impossible, and I wish I got to spend more time with you. I love you, you where the best brother a girl could ask for, I want you to Pilot the green lion. I know it's not my call, but she will need a Paladin, please, please be that Paladin." Then I screamed as Voltron was separated, and my body dissolved into green dust like stuff. I closed my eyes and thought of all my good memories, as my body began to fade.


When the beast exploded, Voltron was separated into lions, and my memories came back as it happened.

"Katie!!!" I screamed, I escaped my mom and dads grip and bolted to the green lion. I had to check in my sister, I had to.

"Matt, don't go to the lion! Katie is gone!" Mom screamed.

"No, no, she was flying that lion, let me go!" They had me in their grasp again, and I was struggling to break free.

"Pidge!" I saw Hunk hell, he bolted for the green lion, so did the others.


We all survived the blast, somehow, but Pidge wasn't responding. We all exited our lions and bolted for green, when we made it into the cockpit, we all froze. Her bayard was in the console, but it was empty. Keith and the others staggered backwards, with sharp intake of breath.

"No, no not again."

"What do you mean Lance?"

"This is exactly how we found Black after your battle with Zarkon, she can't be gone!" Keith exclaimed, but then Matt barged in, and when he saw nothing, collapsed.


"Shiro, I just got her back, now she's gone. Katie's gone!" He's sobbing, but then I help him up, and I set him in the pilot chair. He brings his knees to his chest and just stares at the console, but then, green turned on.

"No way, what, what did she do!" Hunk yelled.

"What, what's happening!?!?" Matt exclaimed in fear and shock.

"Green, she chose you! That means-that means,"


"That means Katie is dead or gone!" Then he runs out crying, and Lance chases after him. I'm just standing there shocked, Katie, she can't be gone.

"Wait, am I supposed to hear voices in my brain?"

"Not normally, something must be up then." As soon as these words leave my brain, we are pulled into the cosmic plane, and Katie is standing there.

"Pidge!" Hunk said.

"Katie!" I cried with joy.

"Katie!?!?" Matt exclaims, Katie looked up at us and smiled slightly.

"Hi, I'm so sorry, but you have to move on. I am gone." She said.

"What?!? Katie, what are you talking about?"

"Matt, I will be here for you, whenever you're in trouble, I'll be here to help, I'm never gonna leave you. However, I also cannot leave."

"Pidge what do you mean?"

"Hunk, I mean I'm gone, kinda, but I'm not lots. Olease, just forget about me. Matt, you'll need to bond with green, and fast. The Galaxy depends on it!" She starts to fade, and she panicked.

"I love you Matt, I know you'll do fine! Beware of Galra, mass deception, plot, danger!" Then she dissolved into green dust like stuff. We where exiting it, when we saw something.

After the whatever we just saw, we where back in the cockpit of green, but then something started glowing green, we all looked away, but once it stopped. We turned our heads around, and gasped, for what appeared, was Katie's special headband. The one that is also a computer, it's the most advanced piece of tech in the universe, and it just materialized.

"That's, that's Katies." Matt says, as he gingerly picks it up. It glows green for a second, then attached itself to his wrist.

"Thanks Katie, I love you to." Then he collapses. Me and Hunk just exit green, and we face extremely angry humans.

"Umm, Princess, we may need to erase their memories of this event."

"Good ideas Shiro, but bring Sam on the castle, he deserves to know most of the truth."

"Ok." I grabbed Sam, then jet packed to black. The humans where trying to get us to stop, but we ignored them. When I got into black, I flew and picked up green, and Hunk already took off in yellow. Once we exited the atmosphere, we erased the memory of Katie's battle on earth, but had it seem like she escaped the Galra cruiser on her own. Then we let Matt get to y'all with his dad before sending him back to earth.

"Well, now what?" Asked a depressed Lance.

"Now we make sure Katie didn't die in vain. We have to put an end to the Galra empire once and for all, for Pidge." I say, the others get determined looks.

"Yeah, for Pidge." Said Hunk, Who had a angry face yet was crying.

"For Pidge." Said a depressed Lance.

"Yeah, for Katie." Said Keith, Who is gripping his blade of Marmora dagger like it's his lifeline.

"For Pidge, we must do this." Said Allura.

"For number five, yes, I will do this." Said Coran.

"For my sister." Said an enraged yet sad Matt. We looked to the green lion, all silently vowing to avenge Pidge, our youngest member, who sacrificed everything for us.

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