The Other Paladins

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Allura managed to finally track down the green lion, bad news, the teledove is broken. We need new skultrite lenses and those are hard to make! I'm not going back I to the fucking weblom for it again, nope not this time. The good news is that Pidge is on her way to earth, bad news, our families are on earth. Well, I don't have family, except my older brother Shiro, but yeah.

Time skip

Ok, we fixed the teledove, bad news, it's been two months since Pidge was originally taken. We are creating a wormhole to get us to earth right now, and are on our way home. However, what we find isn't home, it's a Galra invasion!

"Paladins, get to your lions!" We race off, and as we approach our planet, I see a bright green glow where the garrison is.

"Guys, look there. The garrison, it's glowin green!"

"What!!???!" Then we all look closer and almost cry from relief. The green lion was there, and that made us happy.

"Pidge!!!" We all shouted, but no answer, we quickly landed in the barrier, and our lions started glowing. We all where pulled into this cosmic looking area, and standing before us, was Pidge.

"Pidge!" We rushes up and gave her a hug.

"Hey guys, I guess this means you made it to earth?"

"Yes, now where in the quiznack are we?" Exclaimed Lance.

"We are in greens subconscious, it's where half of my being resides, I'm trapped here. You all can get me out, but I'll have amnesia for a little while. I can't get out on my own, Green doesn't have enough power to do it, but you all do. I'm sorry, but I can't stay long. I'm not strong enough, our connection, it's fading." Then Pidge started to fade. We all had a silent agreement, we had to save her, amnesia is better than not having her around.

"Ok, let's bring Pidge back." Shiro said, I smiled, I know he has a crush on the girl, but I'm nor one to talk. I'm gay, you see, so I see Pidge more as my little sister, Lance on the other hand, he, I like. Stupidity and all, now don't judge me, I can like who I want, so leave me alone! Back to Pidge, we are all focusing on her, and then we felt her presence grow, and then green light encased us all.

We heard the roar of green, and then gasping of air of a person. We exited the plain of stars and rushed out of our lions. We all smiled widely as we saw Pidge slowly get up off the table she had been placed on. Her hand held onto her head, and she grimenced. I know she had a scar from that ion blast, but nothing was like seeing it up close. Almost half her skin was scared, however it's healing itself up. Weird? But then Pidge looks up at us and her eyes widen, but then confusion shows on her face.

"I-I know you guys, I-I know you. What happened? Who are you? Who am I? What's my name? Where am I? And why do I feel like I've been here before?" We sighed, well, this is gonna be difficult. I approached her cautiously, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"My name is Keith, I'm your friend, well, we're more like brother and sister relationship, but you can trust me, ok?" Sh hesitates before responding.

"Ok, I-I trust you." Then she smiles slightly, and I return it.

"Why don't we get you cleaned up and in some of your own clothes?"

"That would be nice, and thank you." Pidge says as she gives me a hug, I return this gesture as well. The garrison left her a pair of jeans by her alter, I grabbed those, and got her and brought her to the main building.

We managed to find a nice green top and some brown boots for her to wear, and Pidge is currently in the shower. Hopefully her hair color will go back to normal, and damn it's long. Last time we saw Pidge, her hair wasn't even to her shoulders, now, it's past them. I sigh, right as the doors to the room she was in open, and out steps a cleaned up Pidge. She looked so much better, like refreshed better.

"Feeling better?"

"Mhm, thank you Keith. Now, let's figure out my name." I smile as I think, we should give her a new name, so that she can tell her family when she's ready.

"Your name will be Emerald. Because your favorite color is green, you went by different names before, but I think it's time for another fresh start." She smiles broadly, and so do I, I'll have to tell the others about her new name later, but for now, time to bring Pidge to her alter.

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