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yeah, the title and all too!

i'm finally satisfied. you guys have no idea how many times i tried to complete my requests, but i couldn't come up with anything. i keep feeling i make the same type of things.

making this was extremely spontaneous, and a very welcome change after days of me giving up on designing. i've realised that taking long breaks helps clear the designer's block we all have.

my schedule has been packed, i come back from school late, and then i have to complete homework (which isn't a lot thankfully), then study extra because the level of mathematics they teach us here is shit. if i have time, i can open my baby Cora (yes, i christened my laptop. no judgements please) and i only have like half an hour left. i'm running on a time crunch ugh.

i'm sorry i rEALLY needed to get all of that bs out. thank you if you read all of that haha. i love your support, and no matter how cheesy this is, it's the truth, you guys keep me going! thank you so much my babies :')

diti x 

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