Chapter Twenty-Three

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A week after Leyha wakes, Tosun gets an important letter. Oren and Geri would never have known about it if they hadn't been talking to Tosun when the runner arrived. As it is, they see the ornately-sealed scroll handed over. Although neither of them recognize the seal, the look on Tosun's face as he reads it is clear.

"What is it?" Geri asks.

"It's from Commander Turen," Tosun says. "The town of Zoret, two days north, has been attacked. We're to join another company of the Holy Order there once Talerin is safe."

"So you're gonna leave, just like that?"

"This is what we're trained to do. Fight off dragons that are plaguing a town, and then move on to the next."

"But what if it comes back?"

Oren rolls his eyes. "Leyha did a pretty good job of scaring both dragons off," he says.

"We'll leave the crossbow — it's more trouble to move than our company needs. And, if it does come back..." Tosun looks at Geri pointedly. "You know what to do."

"If it comes back," Oren says.

Tosun turns to the runner. "Come with me to my tent, I'll write a reply for you to take back to Turen," he says. "Oh, and boys? Do me a favor and find Jessa, will you? We need to start packing up camp."


Jessa isn't in her tent, so Oren and Geri try the the inn next. Some of the Holy Order have taken to spending the few of their hours not taken up by other duties playing cards around the large tables Harin has finally built to fill up the common room.

As Oren and Geri step inside, there's a loud exclamation from the players — more groans than cheers, for sure. Jessa is one of the few who looks happy with the way the hand played out.

"Jessa?" Oren asks. "I hate to interrupt, but..."

"Then don't," Jessa says with a sudden grin. "I'm finally winning."

"Tosun needs you. He got a letter from your Commander."

"Right," Jessa says, getting to her feet. "Finish the game without me."

"That's not fair!" Toal protests. "You just had a good hand!"

"I'm certainly not letting you take it over for me," Jessa says. Then, she turns to Oren and Geri. "Where is he?"

"He went back to his tent to write a letter for the runner to take back," Oren says. "I doubt he's left."

Jessa frowns. Then she turns back to the table. "You might want to think about packing this up, boys," she says. "Sounds like we got something major going on."

She heads for the door. Oren and Geri are a few steps behind her, but they haven't made it out of the building before someone calls their names.

They turn to see Robin sitting on the steps. "Hi, Robin," Oren says.

"What's going on?" he asks. "Why does Uncle Tosun need Jessa?"

Oren and Geri trade looks. "The Holy Order might have to go protect another town, now that Talerin is safe from dragons," Geri says.

"Oh," Robin says. "I bet we're going with them. I should go tell Mona."

With that, he scurries off, so Oren and Geri decide to go home.


The next day, they arrive at the usual time for combat practice, but no one is in the space they've set aside for such things. The Holy Order camp is more lively than usual, which much means the preparations to leave are underway. Oren and Geri decide to track down Tosun to find out whether there will be any more practices before the Holy Order leaves.

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