Chapter Two.

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Chapter Two

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Margaret swallowed, her eyes darting around nervously as she stared at the three women before her, judging by the others reaction, these were the Sanderson Sisters. But, Margaret needed confirmation. "Who are you?" She willed her voice to be strong, but she feared it came out as shaky and weak.  

Winifred raised her eyebrows, staring at Margaret intently, she said: "I, am Winifred Sanderson, and these, are my sisters."

Margaret breathed deeply as she refused to look away from the hard gaze of Winifred Sanderson.

Eric laughed, and smiled tauntingly at the witches. "Well, Winifred Sanderson, how about you get back on your broomstick, along with your sisters, and fly right out of here?"

Margaret pressed her lips, and shot a glare in her boyfriend's direction, she raised her eyebrows at him as he turned to look at her, she jerked her head subtitly in the witches direction, and slowly shook her head, warning him not to say anything more.

"Is thou mocking thy sister?" Sarah whispered to Mary, her eyes wide as she stared at Eric.

Mary nodded quickly, her eyes as wide as saucers.

Winifred breathed through her nose deeply, her eyes narrowed into slits, "sisters, I think we shall teach this boy a lesson."

Max and Allison looked at each other, Binx hissed: "run!"

But too late, Winifred had raised her hand along with Sarah and Mary, they whispered a few strange words that the children couldn't hear, and then Eric let out a yelp.

He fell to the ground in a heap, the bowl of candy had been holding rolled across the floor, spilling it's contents everywhere.

"Eric!" Margaret cried out in alarm, she bent down and went to place a hand on his shoulder, only to let out a high pitched scream as he vanished.

Jumping to her feet, Margaret stared down at the floor in horror: Eric had been turned into a large, black hairy spider.

Margaret looked up at the witches, her face covered in horror as she lost her grip on the book in her hand.

"What have you done?" Her eyes were wide as she looked at the witches, her voice was barely above a whisper as she looked between the witches and then Eric.

His eight eyes stared up at her, she went to bend down, but the movements of her skirt had startled him, he seemed to jump and then dart across the floorboards.

But, somehow he thought it wise to run in the direction of the three older woman, Winifred's eyes shone brightly as she stared at Margaret.

Eric crawled around the younger witch, Sarah's legs, causing her to let out a gasp in alarm as she felt something climb up her leg. Lifting her skirts so she could see, Sarah tilted her head as Eric the spider froze from where he was on her calf.

"Hello, little friend, have you come to play?" She whispered, her voice was teasing as she half smiled at him.

Margaret felt her breath catch in her throat, as Sarah moved her hand to allow to spider to crawl into her palm. Lifting Eric the spider to her face, she smiled as he stared up at her.

"Get away from him, and turn him back to human." Margaret's voice shook at the demand, her tongue darted out of her mouth nervously, her chest rose and fell rapidly as she felt her head begin to spin.

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