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I am living in the darkness
I feel so scared
I feel unsafe
I dont know what to do
I cry everyday and night
And I feel that I want to cry more and more
Non stop
It really dark here
I hear my mom voice
But I cant reach her
And I hear my friends calling me
But they cant hear me
I dont know what to do
I start screaming and screaming
But suddenly their voices r gone
They leave me all alone in the darkness
I start crying again and again
And suddenly
A light so weak appears, shivering in the dark
I didnt know what it was
I feel so endangered
I saw an extended hand
That wants to grab me towards its unrevealed body
I ran away
I hear a male vioce
Calling my name
Telling me that he wants to save me
I turn and look at him
I thought he was just like an angel
Just like an angel in a human body
With flesh and blood
He took my hand
To show me the way
When I was out of the dark
He gave me a butterfly
He gave me a butterfly
And with it
He filled my heart with hope
Gave me a reason to never give up
Just knowing that some one,
Actually cared about me,
Loved me
That will give me all the strength i need to live
To survive

by nouri black

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