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She ran towards me
On her face was a huge glee
She looked at her mummy and plead
"I want him mummy" she said
"I'll name him Jim
I'll play with him
I'll take him for walks
I'll make him stay away from your frocks
I'll make him clean
Like a king I'll let him reign
And Julie will be his queen
I'll teach him tricks
I'll take him with me for picnics
I'll look after him when he is sick
I'll always be there for him
He'll be my only Jim
Please mummy
Can I keep him? "
Her mummy replied with a yes
And I knew me, god really did bless
I stood away from mess
And I bent towards my new mistress
She came towards me
But moved to my right;
Where Rawky, my friend was sitting
She took him in her arms and said
"Thank you mama,
Thanks for letting me keep Jim"
My dreams were shattered
It was not me whom she wanted
I laid my head down
And closed my dark eyes
I knew I was alone
Alone in this lonely world
Because I am just a dog
An ugly and lonely stray dog

by sania harris

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