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back then, the sun
was but a wobbly yolk in the sky.
the breeze in your hair rode on fledgling wings
and every daybreak smelled of spring.

we clambered up wild hills and tumbled down,
daisies spilling from our pockets
and laughter from our cheeks.
brave as fools, we tugged driftwood into the tide
stood defiant against the roaring wind
challenged the deep blue to battles of might.
yearning to feel
we skinny-dipped in unfamiliar emotion;
loved like hurricanes, furious and swift,
nursed dolour after the storm.

our shadows grew long and weary
as the sun began to slip.
you and i, we raced it to the edge of the world
(the fold in space
where the earth touches the sky)
if only to stand in the last
of day's golden light.

we lay down, side by side
blood afire with pumping adrenaline
high on the thrill of the chase;
witnessed as the universe
wrapped itself in the deep of night,
and lassoed passing stars
with the murmurs of our dreams.

a silhouette against orange dusk
you beckon me with an intimate smile
towards the shrinking finish line
i sit
in my shadow, stretching its limbs
conscious of my own
leaden with the weight of time past
(and an avalanche of other things
you wouldn't understand)

for the first time
the hourglass is no longer in my hands
from the gaps between my fingers
pours sand

for the last time
i say goodbye to you -
brown soles, ruined hem
bright, bright eyes -

my youth.

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