The flight

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Patsy's POV:

As I hand in my flight ticket I have a urge to just turn back and run home to Nonnatus. I's starting to worry about dad too, between him and Delia i never get a second to myself. It would of been so much better if she could come with me. The law is so different in Shanghai we could actually be seen together, holding hands, kissing! It would of been so lovely.

I wonder what she is doing. If shes in the London, or falling asleep or on my bed talking to Trixie or Barbara. I hope she is doing well, I've sent her one letter today, I slipped it in the post before I got here, just to say i'm okay. I also sent her the address for my Father's home in Hong Kong. I just regret that i hadn't took her into a secluded spot to kiss her passionately before I left, we both would of loved it.

Deels would of loved to travel with me, Hong Kong is a very spiritual place, Her mother wouldn't let her, but I believe she would do it for me. Maybe we could just slip away, if I went back to Nonnatus and asked her to grab her clothes and finish her midwifery training in Shanghai They are a lot more with the times there! It would be a lot easier too, my father is extremely wealthy so I could also give her extra credit for it, I know she wouldn't take it but I would offer and we could progress so much as a couple, I believe she would just love to sit in a room anywhere and just spend as much time together without getting judged and that can happen in Hong Kong, my father wouldn't agree but I don't care anymore I love Delia and I want to show my love for her in front of everyone! her and me both!

This flight is taking the absolute mik, I learnt that of Delia hahah, I love her little Welsh accent it's so utterly cute. I can escape from reality when I'm with her, escape from the fact that my father is going to die any minute now, she is the only family I have left that I am really close to but I know Trixie will be there for me and Barbara but I won't be with them for the rest of my life... Did I just think that? I just thought for a second that I am actually worthy of her love I can't believe that she loves me! Me of all people there is a lot going for her, but not me. I have absolutely nothing to give her, if I proposed to her I really doubt that she will accept my proposal that would be such a honor for me not her.

Thinking about this made me fall asleep and dream about my 'perfect' life in my head where me and Delia are free and Barbara has a perfect wedding and Trixie has no man worries and no alcoholism, Jenny would also be there too, shes the one who got me to think about Midwifery, well Nonnatus in general, If it wasn't for Jenny i wouldn't have this life now, I wouldn't of met all my friends, Or Delia. Thank you Jenny.

Jenny completely changed my life, even at The London she taught me so much even how to stand up to a revolting man. That was medical related but she also made me fond of the idea that i could be anyone i wanted to be and I did not need any man on my arm. I feel that I've grown from a insecure young girl who would want to do her family proud by hiding my true feelings If they knew i would be admitted to hospital at a very young age, Yes I had these butterflies when i was a young girl, If i looked in a magazine with a very good looking woman in it haha. I get the same feelings while i am with Deels, On a more extraordinary level of course its quite over powering if i might add, but its ever so lovely the feeling of being madly in love with one. Its actually quite extravagant. 


Hi loves! I just wanted to say my first hello and why I've decided to write about this dreamy couple hahah. I won't tell you my name just yet I would like to see how this all goes but all I will say is that i'm a welsh woman like Delia, I cannot speak a ounce of welsh sadly but i'm on the narrow and straight to learn it. I also wanted to write about these pair because I deeply feel that they are extremely strong as a team and its a brilliant representation of what any couple should be without all the doom and gloom like not being able to kiss or show affection anywhere. The times have changed now and If they would actually be together in this day and age they would make a brilliant couple.

I also have a think for gay/Lesbian couples in anything, but these two just clicked I am totally obsessed with the characters 'Patsy mount' and 'Delia Busby' I've also created this because i can actually announce stuff that i cannot tell others like... I think i might be Bisexual, This is why I've took a liking to these characters but its also because i'm quite attracted to the thought of them. 

anyways there is a little about me. please leave suggestions what you would like to see / Hear Im thinking about writing all the way to when they meet and actually kiss! would love to do that trip with them both! xxx

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