Chapter 3

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The boys took their turns with the Troll King and when they returned they each seemed to be a little more mature in a way. I asked them what they were to become.

Teddy screamed "I am going to take over this Kingdom as the next Troll King!"

Simon smiled and said "I am to become the next Grand Wizard" grabbing a small stick and twirling it in the air spouting off some mumbo jumbo, mocking a spell.

Alvin just sat on the bed staring at us with a blank look on his face. I asked him what he thought about his talk with the Troll King and all he would say is "nothing special." I thought to myself there had to be a mistake but just then he stood up on top of the bed and threw his arms into the sky yelling out "I am going to be the King of all Kings babies!" We all laughed at how silly he was.

We went down to eat super that night and mother was not there although I felt she was close. After supper we were taken into a playroom where all the other children were at. The boys quickly found playmates to run and have fun with while I sat on the edge of a water fountain watching them. A young girl around 8 or 9 years came over to me and introduced herself as Angelica. She was very petite with long blonde straight hair and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. As I studied her every detail, I could not pull myself from staring into those icy blue eyes, which seemed to be much older than her body suggested. She sat next to me and we began to talk about our stay here.

Angelica wanted to know everything about where we came from and what other Kingdoms were like and how it felt to be such a special child. I was taken aback by the way she was so blunt in her questioning. I was not prepared to answer questions about our destinies. Before yesterday I had never really given it any thought and then I learned we were meant to complete yearlong quests and save the land from a curse some stupid Grand Wizard had cast over 1800 years ago. What can I tell her about that? Certainly not, that I am going to be a Fairy Queen in a few short years or that my brothers will be Kings and Wizards.

I just sat there staring into the water of the fountain behind me as I listened intently to her babbling. I actually thought that because she was older she would be someone I could have an intelligent conversation with but alas she was no better at conversation than by brothers. I smiled politely, nodded my head from time to time, and after a few minutes, finally, excused myself. My head was beginning to hurt from all the echoing in that room, so I made my way back up to the room we had been sharing since our arrival at this place.

My head found comfort in the pillow on my bed and my eyes grew tired quickly. I found myself alone in the woods screaming out for someone to hear, but no one responded at all. I knew this dream all too well, I have had this one many times. I turn quickly to see the baby dragon a few feet away from me in the dark woods huddled up on the ground shivering. When I reach my hand out to him he sniffs it and stretches out his neck toward me. As I pick him up in my arms he cuddles into me close and closes his eyes.

We sit next to a large base of a tree that is a mile high and snuggle together before we both fall fast asleep. I can see myself sleeping next to the tree in the dream as if I am floating above myself but I have never figured out how that was possible. The dream is always peaceful until I am abruptly awakened by the huntsmen who try to take the dragon from me. The dragon spits small balls of fire out at them but they only laugh. Running from them with the dragon at my feet, we duck into the base of another tree just big enough for the two of us to enter and watch the huntsmen run past.

When we know they have run far enough past, the two of us come out of the tree and run in the opposite direction. A few seconds later we are greeted by one of the trolls who scoops us both up then hurdles his way quickly across the dense forest floor until we are placed on the ground next to a brook.

I look up only to see other fairies and my own tree home in the short distance. I thank the troll and my dragon and I walk toward my fairy village. Once I am noticed by the other fairies is when I awake from my dream. It never lets me see any more than that.

Sometimes I believe they are visions of what is to come. Other times I just think it has to do with what I would think might happen in the future, but either way, this time when I open my eyes I am laying in the room of the troll castle and my brothers are fast asleep as is the chambermaid. I look around in the dark for any sign of our mother had returned but nothing! She would never abandon us. Would she? Maybe she is just waiting until morning to surprise us. Yes, that has to be it!

I climb out of my bed dragging the blanket with me to the window, climb up on the ledge and sit for a spell wrapped in the cozy warmth of the blanket, staring into the night. I watch the trees rustle lightly as the brisk air shifts them from side to side. I see the clouds rush in front of the half crest moon swallowing up every ounce of light before opening back up again and shining down on the land.

My spirit is nearly broken, when I leaned over the ledge to look at what lies beneath our window. I can see the moat that only surrounds half of the castle. I can see the stables from here and several guards wandering around in the night, as if anyone or anything would ever challenge them. They seem to take their positions seriously as they jerk around at the sound of my knocking off a pebble that was lying in the window seal. When it hit the water in the moat it made a fairly significant splash.

Three of the troll guards looked around searching for any evidence of an intruder before one of them finally noticed me in the window waving at them. All three of them began to chuckle and wave back. One of them began to shake his head in disbelief before scolding me quietly to go back to sleep.

I climbed down out of the window and made my way over to Teddy's bed climbed up on the foot of it and curled up near his feet. I always found it would help comfort me, to sleep next to one of my brothers when I had trouble sleeping. And of the three of them Teddy was least likely to move much once he went to sleep although he did snore the loudest he was usually the last to wake. Generally, by the morning I would have ended up wrapped around his feet in a snuggling position holding his feet hostage until he would awaken, or my two other brothers would wake and laugh at me.

Today would be no different. Teddy was still sound asleep when Simon began to laugh uncontrollably waking us all. The chambermaid hushed us but it was too late. All four of us were now awake and ready to get some breakfast. She shrugged the night off of herself and began to assist in getting the boys ready to go downstairs to eat. I informed her I could get myself ready and proceeded to do just that.

When we arrived at the table, the troll king was waiting for us. He informed us that we had a lot of things to do today in order to prepare for our futures. I was unaware that this was going to be a teaching vacation. Oh well, so be it, we will do what we must.

After breakfast we were taken into the Kings throne room where we met the reigning Fairy Queen Isabella, the Grand Wizard Lionel, and even the reigning King of Kings Midas. Sabastian informed us they were here to speak with us and try to figure out the best way they could help us learn what we needed to know in order to break this dreaded curse once and for all.

I barely heard anything else that was said after introductions because I was watching Isabella's every move just waiting to get a glimpse of her beautiful wings. Her eyes were almost the color of clear white diamonds, and her hair was a shimmering silver with hints of blue and green laced in among her wavy fine strands here and there. She was so beautiful and I longed to know everything about her so I would be prepared to be who I will eventually become.

After what seemed like an eternity, Isabella walked over to me. My eyes must have shown the shock and excitement that trembled through my entire body, because when she reached out her hand I heard her whisper "you will be fine my darling. Come with me and let me teach you the things you desire now." My heart nearly stopped as I stood up to accompany her into another room.

Glancing over to see that my brothers were alright, I realized that each of us had been approached by the same being as ourselves will become one day. At that very moment I realized this was the day we learn all we need to know about becoming all we can be. Our doubts will be put to rest. Our hopes will no longer be dreams, but reality. I smiled a crocked smile as we left the room. Isabella held my hand as she led me down a corridor and then outside the castle to the edge of the tree line. I could not take my eyes off of her.

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