Chapter 4

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Isabella sat down on a small rock next to the tree line and coaxed me to sit next to her. I had a million questions but none of which I could possibly utter at this very moment. I was mesmerized by her. She was everything I ever wanted to be, and one day would become. Sophie began to speak to me in a soft caring voice.

Isabella: "You know who I am correct?"

Me: "Yes" I said and nodded my head in accordance furiously.

Isabella: "Then you know why I am here?" as she began smiling at me slightly.

Me: nodding slightly in a yes manner.

Isabella: "Shall we get started now or do you have some questions for me first?"

Me: "Ummm?" shrugging my shoulders blatantly.

Isabella: "Well, little one, I cannot read your mind. You will have to ask them if you would like me to answer them."

Me: Ducking my head down to avoid staring at her any longer I began quietly. "When...will I... get my...wings?"

Isabella: Chuckled a bit. "Well, when you are ready of course, my dear." Raising my chin up with her finger tips to look at my face.

Me: Trying to smile back without tearing up. "But that...does not answer my question exactly."

Isabella: Smiling from ear to ear. "My dear, every fairy gets their wings when it is time. No one knows the exact time and place. I received mine on the day I left home to go live with my fairy brothers. Some have told of getting them well before they left home and others have arrived well before getting their own wings. So you see it is up to fate when you receive your wings."

Me: I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I shook my head and looked down again. "So does every fairy get wings? Or is it possible not to ever get them?"

Isabella: "well I suppose it is possible but honestly I have never seen it happen in my days as a fairy. I believe you are too worried about things you cannot control little one." Taking my hand, she places it on her heart. "Can you feel that? That is what creates our wings, a strong heart." She places my hand on my own heart. "Can you feel how strong your heart is? You will have your wings in no time at all, my dear. Stop your fretting now we have so much work to do and so very little time to complete it."

Me: "Can I see your wings today?" with an anxious and mischievous grin on my face.

Isabella: "If you will try very hard to complete the tasks I set forth for you and listen very closely to all that I am going to tell you today, then, Yes I will show them to you."

Me: My heart was pounding in my chest so I asked a little bashfully. "Would you let me touch them by any chance? I mean, if not I understand but I just want to know how they feel, how they work, how they sound. I want my wings today."

Isabella: "My, my, child you sound so familiar. Where in the world have I heard those very words before? Oh I recall now. I think I may have spouted the exact same thing when I was in the same place you are today." She laughed hardily but still in such a squeaky little voice.

It was hard not to laugh myself, but I forced myself to try and keep a straight face. In the end though we were both laughing so loudly the guards wandered over near us to see if everything was alright. Only to make us both laugh even louder still.

As the day went on I had the urge to try and fly multiple times. My back was beginning to itch a little right in the middle where I could not quite reach. I had to ask Isabella to scratch it a couple of times. She would just grin really big and stop whatever she was doing at the moment to come over and scratch it for me.

We spent the majority of the day learning to focus and relax upon request. Isabella told me she thought I had learned this skill quite quickly and encouraged me to use that energy to try and become as small as I could. I wasn't certain what she meant at first but after a few tries felt physically smaller. She then encouraged me to try and make myself larger. Somehow after a long while of trying I actually think it happened but only for a few seconds then I returned to my original size.

Isabella's eyes grew so large when I began to grow larger during those few seconds. I may have lost my concentration when I saw her appear shocked at the change. She kept telling me that I would need to practice these exercises daily in order to perfect them by the time I am to leave home and join the other fairies.


It felt like our time together passed by so quickly, and I was not even hungry by the time we were called in to eat dinner. I was not ready for the training to end yet, but alas, it was over for today.

Isabella explained "It is quite alright dear one, I will be remaining here with you the entire time of your stay in order to help train and teach you all I can." "This is only the beginning and you have already learned so much in just one day."

I wanted to ask her what would happen when the stay here was over but I was terrified of the answer. So I simply pouted a bit and followed her into the dining room to eat.

We arrived into the main dining room, the first thing I saw was our mother and Randolf sitting there speaking with Sabastian. They all seemed to have somber looks on their faces before they noticed us. Mothers eyes lit up like stars when she saw me. I ran over to her and she scooped me up in her arms snuggling me tightly. Randolf kissed me on the cheek and asked how my training went today? I told him it was great and went into all sorts of details about every little thing.

Mother noticed Teddy come into the room before I did and he bounced quickly over to where we were. Mother handed me to Randolf and lifted Teddy up into her lap hugging him. Teddy began to ramble on and on about his training with Sabastian, I listened to him intently. I happened to notice the look on our mother's face as she did not seem to be listening to him at all, only staring at Randolf with this strange look on her face. She seemed happier than I could ever recall, yet sadder as well.

Simon and Alvin came running in, racing over to us the second they entered the room. Alvin jumped up and down until Randolf scooped him up and perched him on his knee. Mother then assisted Simon up onto her other knee and hugged him.

All four of us were rattling on and on about our day but again mother was oblivious to the words we were saying as she and Randolf just stared at one another. I quickly realized that the two of them had a special bond nothing and no one would ever be able to break apart. This made me wonder about our father. What did this mean for our family? Perhaps I am reading too much into this.

After dinner we retired to our chambers. Mother and Randolf accompanied us. My brothers were busy playing with all of the toys but I decided to get to know Randolf a little better. I wanted to know what it was about him that our mother was so entranced with. It did not take long to learn what a great and wonderful man he was. He played a couple of games with me and drew pictures with me. Mother was spending time with the boys and playing with them.

It began to get late and they tucked us all in. Mother was sitting on Teddy's bed with him brushing his hair out of his face, while holding Simon's hand on the bed next to Teddy. Randolf was sitting on the edge of my bed between Alvin and I. Simon asked mom to tell us a story, but before she could say anything Randolf asked if he could tell the story tonight.

Randolf began:

 "Once upon a time, in a Kingdom not far from here, lived a beautiful princess. The princess had four beautiful children who grew up together as best friends. Each of the four children had a special bracelet that was given to them as infants. The bracelets were created to grow with the children as they grew. When the children reached the age of eighteen they would each go on a special quest for one year. When they completed their quests they would return to this very place where we sit and wait for their siblings to arrive. Once all four of the children arrive they will place their wrists together and the bracelets will release from their arms and fit together in a diamond shape. If all have been successful in their quests when the diamond shaped bracelets are thrown into the lake beyond the Troll castle, one fortnight later the curse will be broken."

I cannot recall anything after that for I suppose I drifted off to sleep. That night I dreamed of the story he had told and flying. I was flying in my dream. 

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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