Prologue : Xue Qing

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"Xiao jie.. xiao jie... please don't sneak out again or Madam will kill me, if she finds out!" Xiao Mei tried to coax her naughty miss.

Lin Xue Qing, her young miss, was a free-spirited girl. She wasn't a typical young miss who stayed at home and did embroidery. She rather climbed a tree, sneaked out, and ran around the capital. However, she was a pure genius. She always learnt everything easily. Qujin, poetry, calligraphy - she mastered it all and it made her lazy and kept avoiding her lessons. Xiao Mei had no idea how it was possible, but it was a fact.

Lin Xue Qing never showed anyone her capabilities, because it would make her the center of attention. She hated that. She just wanted to enjoy her day peacefully. She was only a concubine daughter and one of many General Lin's daughter. She was the sixth daughter. If she was too standing out, she knew her day would be full of jealousy. Xiao Mei sighed. However, her miss wasn't a girl that could be restrained. In the end, both of them always got scolded and punished together by Madam. Xiao Mei could only resign to her fate.

"It's okay, Xiao Mei. Come on! I hear that today Qin Wang will be back from the front line. He won the battle full of glory. I just want to take a peek! I want to see The God of War!" Lin Xue Qing talked excitedly.

Her excitement made Xiao Mei excited too. She nodded in agreement. Who didn't know Qin Wang in Chu country? He was this country's fourth prince, but also a well-known general. He was all military man and very mysterious. No one ever saw his real face, because he always wore a silver mask. Some said his face full of scars that he received from his battles and some said he was too beautiful for his own good. Which was real no one knew exactly. Many girls idolized him, but didn't dare to covet him. He was famous of hating women.

His other popularity was his cruelty. In battlefield, he was known as demon wolf. He cruelly killed the enemy without mercy easily and without batting an eye. Some even said that he didn't even pardon women and children. Baseless rumor or not, it was still scary. "Why didn't you say so from the start, xiao jie? Nubi also want to see Qin Wang." Xiao Mei talked excitedly.

Lin Xue Qing grinned and knew that she won this round. Qin Wang was too tempting for any girl to resist. While walking, they talked in small voice. "Xiao jie, why do you wear your veil again? You are a beauty and yet you never show anyone your face." Xiao Mei pouted.

Lin Xue Qing sighed helplessly. "It was concubine mother's last request. It can't be helped. This face can be a blessing and a curse."

Xiao Mei looked at her young miss and she was actually a copy of her deceased Mother. Young Miss' Mother was a lowly born commoner which met General Lin by accident. If General didn't save her in time, maybe she would be trampled by General Lin's house. When he saw Young Miss' Mother delicate beauty, he fell in love at the first sight. She was given a title, Concubine Ning.

Too bad! General's love didn't last long. He had many concubines beside his main wife. The attraction didn't last long. General loved a beauty and because of jealousy, the Madam 'accidentally' hurt Concubine Ning's face and it left a big scar. General couldn't bear to look at her and never visited her since that day. It made Concubine Ning died of heartbreak, leaving Young Miss all alone when she was five years old.

Concubine Ning knew she was being targeted, so since birth, she made Lin Xue Qing wore a veil. She told everyone that her daughter was born ugly, because of her birthmark. No one in the household wanted to look at the baby's face and they barely disguised their disgust. That's why Young Miss was abandoned at Leng Xue Courtyard and no one ever visited her since she was five. Luckily they left her with Xiao Mei and Zhang Momo, otherwise no one would serve Young Miss.

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