Chapter 5

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As me and Dray walk into Transfiguration everyone stops talking and stares at us and I get nervous about everyone knowing about me and Dray so I try to let go of his hand, but he squeezes a little bit. He leans down and whispers in my ear "it's ok baby I'm right here I don't care if everyone knows about us I'm so honored and proud to have you as my beautiful mate." I smile so big and hug him tightly which he returns straight away.

"Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Snape please have a seat." I hear from behind me and blush whispering a sorry as Draco takes my hand and leads me to sit next to him in the back. 

As we sit down I see Ron and Hermione glaring at me and I look down a little sad that they were never really my friends and that they hate me, but then Draco nudges me and when I look up he smiles at me and kisses my cheek and the feeling goes away immediately. 

*time skip to after class*

As me and Dray are walking down to the dungeons for Potions I hear someone speak from behind me "so Potter, joining the evil side are you." I turn around and see my three ex-friends "well that depends on your definition of evil." Ron opens his mouth to speak but I beat him to it "Oh and by the way my last name is Snape. Not Potter. Now if you will excuse me I have class to get to. Hope you have a shit day." With that me and Draco walk away into class leaving the three buffoons flabbergasted. Before I'm in class I hear Ron say "Mione did he just admit to joining you-know-who's side?" "I believe so Ronald. Let's go speak to Dumbledore, he'll know what to do." Great know that old hoot will be on my ass. Oh well. 

"Hey dad, um so the three buffoons think I admitted to joining the dark side and are going to tell Dumb-as-a-door." Dad looks at me with a thoughtful look "Ok son, it's ok we will talk to Tom tonight over floo." I nod and go sit down with Dray.

Halfway through class Ron and Hermione walk in with smirks. That is until my dad speaks. "Why are you two late to my class. 50 points from Gryffindor... Each. For being so dense that you can't simply be on time to a class." 

"But sir Harry was always late and you never took away that many points." Granger says.

Dad glares at her "are you the teacher here Ms. Granger?" She looks down "No sir." "Then sit down before I take more points away." She rushes to sit down next to Ron, who had already sat down when dad took away points, I can't help but giggle quietly "What are you laughing at Potter." Ron snaps at me and I turn to look at him calmly and look at him innocently "I don't know what you're talking about Weasley I was just simply sitting hear waiting for Professor Snape to begin the lesson. Also, for the last time it's Snape not Potter. But I know you're too dense to remember that so I will let it go just for you." I say with a smile and I hear Dray chuckle from next to me and I turn back around and see dad with a small smile but hides it with his blank look. "Mr. Weasley, 15 points from Gryffindor for disrupting my class. Mr. Snape, 15 points to Slytherin for standing up for yourself." I smile and dad continues "Mr. Weasley I suggest you close your mouth unless you want more points taken away." I snicker under my breath and fist bump Dray under the desk.

*skip to after all classes are finished*

Me and Dray decide to go for a walk around the castle before dinner so we can get to know each other. "So Harry wanna tell me about your relatives." I look down "umm ok." I whisper quietly and I tell him everything I told dad about my past. We had went into an empty classroom sometime while I was talking and Draco put up locking and silencing charms. When I was done I refused to look up at Draco. 

"Harry." I can tell that he is trying to keep his voice calm so he doesn't scare me. "Harry." He repeats but I still don't look up so he lifts my head up gently by the chin. "Harry. Love, nothing will ever make me think any less of you. If anything I just feel even more proud to have you as mine. I love you so much and I will never let anything bad happen to you ever again. You are my beautiful and strong mate and I will protect you with my life. If you ever want to talk to me I will be here no matter what. If I'm sleeping I want you to wake me up, if we are in class then tell me and I will get us out so we can talk. Even if I seem like I'm in a bad mood, just tell me and I will happily listen. I love you with my whole heart." By the end of his little speech I'm crying and I jump into his arms like I did last time and he catches me hugging me just as tightly as I'm hugging him." "I love you so much Draco. Thank you for being here for me." He kisses my forehead saying "of course my love. Always," into my ear. I pull my head away a little so I can see him.

"I'm so glad you're my mate. On the train, when you offered to be my friend I really wanted to say yes because I didn't want to be Ron's friend and I liked you, but I couldn't, all of a sudden I had this hatred for you and I really wanted to stay with Ron, it was really weird, but now I know it was Dumbledore's doing. And then a week later I felt normal and I wanted to be your friend again, the hatred was gone and I didn't like Ron again, but when I wanted to go find you so I could talk to you I remembered that I rejected you and I figured you probably hated me and wanted nothing to do with me. So, I just went along with it and pretended to hate you when in reality I loved you so much. I'm so sorry." He smiles "It's ok love, I'm not mad and I don't blame you at all. Thank you for telling me. I always just thought that I messed up. I'm really sorry I was mean to you love." I smile and kiss his cheek making him blush slightly "It's ok, I'm sorry too, I wasn't very nice to you either. I wish I could start everything all over again and change things. Maybe I could of had you and dad with me sooner." Dray smiles sadly at me "hey at least we have each other now, that's all that counts right?" I nod and we just stare into each others eyes. 

"Dray?" I whisper "Yeah?" he whispers back. "Um do you think that maybe we could maybe kiss. It's ok if you don't want to- um-I-" "Harry." "Yeah?" "I would love to kiss you." I smile and he leans in a bit and I do the same until our lips meet. The kiss is gentle and slow. After a few seconds he pulls away gently. "I love you so much Harry." I smile with my face a little red "I love you so much too Draco." He pecks my lips gently then says "wanna go to dinner? Then we will meet up with your dad so we can talk to Tom." I nod and he sets me down gently "Dray?" "Yes love?" "Umm can I have a piggy back ride?" He laughs a little "You're so adorable baby, of course come on." He bends down low enough so I can hop on his back, then we make our way to the great hall.

Once we get there everyone stares again and I hide my face in Drays neck and I feel him kiss the side of my head, "it's ok baby." When we reach the Slytherin table he sets me down and I sit next to him turning my head to see my dad. When I see my dad I smile at him and he smiles back pointing at my food. I look down then look over at Draco and he smiles at me "Please just take a couple bites" he says while giving me my potion. I look at him confused and he smiles at me "your dad gave them to me in potions so I can just give them to you since I sit next to you anyways." I smile "thank you." He nods and we eat having light conversation with Blaise and Pansy who are actually very nice and funny.

After dinner is over me and Dray follow my dad to our chambers. Hmm I should probably ask dad if I can sleep in the dorms with Draco in a few weeks. I don't want to yet, I kind of want to spend time with my dad for a little bit. Or maybe I can alternate? I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my dads voice " Ok Harry are you ready to talk to Tom? He is quite excited to speak with you. I gave a little run down of what we've learned so far." I open my mouth to ask a question "Don't worry I didn't tell him to much information about your past just a little bit so he knows a little of what Dumbledore has put you through. If you decide you would like him to know everything tell me and either you, me or Draco can tell him ok?" I nod "thank you dad." He nods and then the fire comes to life and I see a face "Hello Harry nice to talk to you under better circumstances." 

A/N woah a cliffhanger who would have guessed. Also wow people are actually reading this? Thank you haha. And I don't really have a schedule for when I upload these. Um I just upload when I finish the chapter, but I probably won't go more than a few days without uploading hopefully.

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