Chapter 10

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When Draco and I wake up we get ready and head to breakfast. After breakfast we go to classes. Once classes are over we head to the room of requirement. "So what do you think we should ask for?" I ask Draco. "Hmm, do you think if we ask for a portal it will connect to the Manor like with the floo?" I think for a second "I don't know there's only one way to, but why can't we just use the floo if we are going to take down the wards?" "I asked Tom that and he said the floo annoys him and he wants a way that's quicker." I nod "Ok. I'll see if we can just ask for a portal." I walk by the wall three time picturing a big room with a portal to the Manor. Once the door appears me and Draco walk in to see another door on the far wall. 

Me and Draco look at each other and back to the door. We walk to the door and Draco opens it and it shows the living room of the Manor and I smile big. "Yes! It worked. Should we walk through to make sure it really works?" I look up at Draco and he nods. "I will go first to make sure it's safe." I pout a little "Why can't we walk through together?" He looks down at me "I don't want to take a chance of you getting hurt." I sigh. "Fine. But come back right away if it works I really want to walk through." He smiles and nods "of course baby." He says before letting my hand go and walking through. I see him on the other side "Can you see me?" I ask him and he turns around and smile "Yes I see you. You can come through." I smile and walk through and I look around the Manor. I am about to say something when Lucius and Tom walk in with their wands raised. Me and Draco put our hands up in surrender. "Oh it's just you two. What are you doing here." I smile as they lower their wands "Sorry we were just testing the portal we found from a room at Hogwarts. It works perfectly." Tom smiles "well done boys. That was faster than I thought it would be. I'm very proud of you both." Me and Draco smile and thank him. "Ok I will get all my death eaters together and we will be coming on Saturday. Tell Severus and be ready." Me and Draco nod and say good bye and head back to school.

When we are back we head to my dads classroom where I know he will be. "Hey dad me and Draco found a way to get everyone here. Tom said that everyone will be coming through on Saturday. He also said to be ready." Dad smiles. Good job boys. Ok I will be ready. Make sure you tell the others." I nod. "Ok, we will go tell them right now." I say with a smile before hugging my dad good bye and Draco does the same.

Me and Draco walk hand in hand to the Gryffindor common room. Once there I speak the password that Fred and George gave me. We walk in and Ron and Hermione walk up to us with glares. "What are you two doing in here. Neither of you are in Gryffindor." I roll my eyes. "Really I didn't know that. Huh. We are here to see Fred, George, Neville, and Luna if she is here. So excuse us weasel." We walk past him before either of them can come up with a comeback. 

We walk over to where our friends are in the back corner of the common room and I see Luna is there and I smile and me and Dray hug them all. "Hey guys." They all say hi back and I cast a silencing charm around us so we have more privacy. "So me and Dray found a way to get everyone here. Tom said they will be coming through on Saturday and to make sure we are all ready." They all nod and we spend some time just talking and having a good time.

After a while we leave and go to bed.

*Skip to Saturday because I don't know what else to write about.*

The day went by as a normal Saturday. Finally it's dinner time and Draco and I head to the room of requirements without anyone seeing us. "Ready baby lion?" I smile and look up at Draco. "Yeah I'm ready. Thank you for always being here for me I love you so much Dragon." I hug him tight and he returns it. "I love you to lion. So so much, I will always be here for you." I smile and lean up to kiss him. "I can't wait till this is all over and we can do that lot's more." He smiles and kisses me again "me too my love. Let's do this and get it all over with so we can cuddle for the rest of our lives." I laugh "dork." He kisses my head "I'm not a dork." I hum and walk back and forth in front of the wall three times while thinking of the same thing I did last time. 

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