Chapter 1

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Two Years Later...

The year was 2095. Summer had started. It was hot, which was to be expected in southern Georgia. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds... and dinosaurs.

I sat on a stump by a fire, roasting a rabbit on a spit. My bag sat by the stump, just within my reach. My Glock was strapped to my hips. My dad had served in the U. S. Marines, so I learned how to survive in the wilderness with hardly any rations or water.

I was grateful that I had paid attention to every detail. Otherwise, I'd be dead. My father was killed by a pack of Dilophosaurus. My uncle was the world's leading paleontologist before he died from a heart attack, so naturally, I inherited his knowledge.

I lifted the rabbit from the flames and tasted it. It was ready.

As I ate, I began to wonder once again how it was possible that dinosaurs had survived extinction and why they would suddenly show up itching for a fight. It started in 2080, in the Congo of Africa. A team of zoologists were exploring the jungle and came across the remains of a rhino that had been savagely killed. The noticed huge bite marks on the creature's side, exposing it's ribs and severed organs. The scientists weren't able to identify what kind if creature that could make these kinds of bite marks. As a result, they confirmed that this was the work of poachers.

Then, that same year, another strange occurrence was found. A rich British family on vacation in India were touring the rainforest when they found that a lot of the trees in one particular area had been uprooted. They also found huge footprints in the ground. The tour guide reported this and it was determined to have been the work of a herd of elephants, despite the massive size of the footprints.

But the sightings didn't stop there. Soon, there were strange encounters and unexplained occurrences all over the world. It became clear that these sightings were a sign of things to come.

Then, in 2089, a huge discovery was found. In Los Vegas, live footage of a creature scavenging out of a garbage can was taken. The animal was around six feet long, walked around on two, bird-like legs, long dexterous forearms, a long, stiff tail, a narrow snout, and bright feathers on most of its body. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to know that that creature was, in fact, a living, breathing dinosaur. It started to add up. These sightings over the last nine years were the works of dinosaurs all over the world. Scientists were thrilled by this discovery and wished to do further study.

But in 2090, something went wrong. They attacked.

Tokyo was the first to fall. In less than a week, the city was leveled by many different species of dinosaurs. Australia came next. Then Russia, Brazil, Canada. In no time, the dinosaurs began to claim the world that was once theirs. In the five years of their attack, over ninety-five percent of all the human race worldwide were brought to extinction.

They ruled this world once, now they want it back. So why did I decide to keep trying to survive?


It had been two years since Akuma, the T. rex, killed Claire. I tried to follow him after that fire, but it was as if he was never there.

I spent the following years going wherever my path took me. I didn't stay in one place for very long, stopping only to eat, rest, and sleep.

It was a hard way of living, but I knew it like the back of my hand.

I scarfed down my meal, not taking the time to enjoy the taste. One thing about surviving is that you have to eat fast. I finished my meal and threw the stick away. I stood up and kicked dirt over the fire, putting it out. I strapped my bag over my shoulders and moved away.

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