Chapter 11

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Walter kept running and running through the trees, their trunks and limbs were only blurs. Now he was alone with the dinosaur chasing him. Sure, it was terrifying before, but now, without Vincent, it was even more so. Walter could smell the Torvosaurus' horrid breath; it reeked of rotten flesh with the faint sweet smell of blood. He could feel the animal's hot breath on his neck, the sweat on his brow, his heart hammering with effort, the slight vibrations on the ground as the dinosaur pursued him. He could hear its snorting breath coming from its nostrils, the sound of the heavy footsteps, the snapping of twigs and fallen branches.

Walt knew that large carnivores couldn't run for very long, but the Torvosaurus was quickly closing the gap between him and Walt. It was only a matter of time before the gap was completely closed. When that happened, Walt would be killed and eaten.

God, please! he prayed, a tear rolling out of his eye and out from his mask. I don't want to die! Please, don't let him kill me! Don't let him kill me! Please, please, please! I'm begging you! Please, don't let me die!

The Torvosaurus roared, as if hearing his prayer and mocking him. Walt didn't look back. He knew that the animal was only a few paces behind him now.


Suddenly, Walt's foot got caught on the root of a tree midstep. He fell forward and landed hard on the ground on his chest. The air was knocked out of him. He coughed and gasped; everything hurt. He tried to stand, but he was too weak and in too much pain to even get up onto his knees.

He heard the foot falls slow down and felt the vibrations get stronger. He heard a soft hissing above him. With his remaining strength, Walt forced himself to roll onto his back and look up.

The Torvosaurus stood above him, looking down at him with blood red eyes. It growled, as if satisfied that the chase was over. Drool dripped from its mouth.

It opened its huge jaws and a roar ripped out of its chest. Walt shut his eyes tight as he felt saliva drip onto his face and hands. The powerful stench nearly suffocated him.

Walt was paralyzed with fear. This was it. The end of the line. It was over. He was good as dead.
"WALT!" he heard Vinny cry. "WALT! NO! YOU GOTTA GET UP!"

He didn't dare open his eyes. He didn't want to see how this was going to end. And he didn't want to see Vinny's face as the dinosaur finished the job.

I'm sorry, Vinny, he thought. This is the end. Please, stay alive.

He braced himself, took a deep breath, and--



Walt opened his eyes, surprised by the loud banging sound. He saw the Torvosaurus shake its head savagely and snarl. Walt saw two tiny wounds on the animal's neck.

Gunshot wounds.

Who shot that thing?!

The dinosaur turned its head, hissing. Walt followed its gaze. What he saw amazed and surprised him.

Standing some distance away was the silhouette of a young man.

Walt quickly remembered that his mask had a zoom in and focus function and he activated it simply by thinking the command. He zoomed in until he could see the man clearly. He was tall and pale. He wore a black, sleeveless, leather jacket over a red hoodie. His jeans showed signs of age, but the fabric had yet to rip. He wore a pair of black combat boots. He had deep black bangs over his eyes.

Dinosaur Armageddon Vol. 1: Vengeful PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now