"Hell Hath NO Fury..."

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Two weeks had passed and Taylour was beyond frustrated. She was in her third trimester at seven months and beyond tired. Everything at home was going wonderful. She upheld her part of their bargain and did her best to not over exert herself. Sean would have lunch every single day at the same time. On most days, she was his lunch which was never something she objected to because it helped alleviate the stress of work. Taylour left the office to get lunch for her and Sean because he was planning on meeting up with her. Leaving the office was definitely necessary considering Mr. Jackson was on her last nerve. He was arrogant, rude, and mischievous. Today he left the office early and forwarded her calls to voicemail when she called to see if he would be returning. It was like he took pride in digging through records searching for what didn't exist. This morning Taylour found herself being interrogated by him. She was sure to give him major attitude because his questions made no sense. Things like when was the last time she went on vacation? How long? Where? Who paid? What was purchased? Who pays for her car? How much does she spend in groceries? Things that was none of his business and definitely going to get him cursed out. Once he left, he didn't come to her office to return the key to the storage room like he normally did before he left. Which was odd because he used that time to give her a smug look and let her know he would be back the next day to make her life a living hell.

Pulling out of the garage Taylour let the windows down and welcomed the breeze that caressed her skin. The radio played Adrian Marcel My life and instantly brought a smile to her face. Sean sang this to her recently while they danced at Millie's grown folks' night. At one point, they were the only ones on the dance floor with all eyes on them giggling and sweet talking one another. Some were intrigued by the chemistry and others were jealous of the love in his eyes for her. Men scoffed at how her body reacted to his touch. The tips of his fingers would run gently across the back of her neck and her entire body would shake with chills. He had taken her out three nights that week. Whether to the lake to sit in the back of his truck and listen to music in each other's arms or to the movies, he just made a point to show her a good time. Taylour's chest vibrated and she pulled her phone out her bra to see Sean was calling her. Turning down the volume she answered.

"Hi Baby."

"Hey Tay, what are you doing?" Sean asked lovingly.

"On my way to get us some lunch."

"Babe I might not be able to make it today but I'm going to let you know."

"Why can't you make it? I was hoping that you could be my desert." She whined.

"Haha as much as I would love and enjoy that I have a little business to take care of, but that doesn't mean that we can't have fun tonight when I get home."

"I want it now though."

"You're going to have to wait but it will be worth it I promise. Besides when have I ever left you disappointed and unsatisfied?"

"Right now because I want you and can't have you!"

"Haha You are so spoiled." Sean laughed.

"Whose fault is that?"

"Mine, but your mine to spoil." Taylour smiled at him claiming her. Anytime he placed claim on her she would immediately get turned on. "I miss you." He said.

"I miss you too."

"No you don't. You just miss the hammer. I'm starting to feel used."

"You know you like it."

"I do. I can't even lie babe. Especially if getting used means you putting it down like this morning then I'm all yours to use."

"Sean don't start nothing you can't finish within the next fifteen minutes." She said in a serious tone.

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