She's Mine: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The following morning was just as dreary as the last. Typing at her computer, Eliza made efforts not to move as much; her breasts were still unbelievably sore from attempts at breastfeeding and overall swelling. She hated that they hurt considering she was only able to feed with the baby for no more than ten minutes before she wasn't able to handle it. As soon as she would call Emmy to come get the infant, she was already assembling the breast pump.

Eliza cupped one hand under her left breast and cringed at the discomfort– adjusting her bra. If only she wasn't going through all of this, she would have been able to finish her tasks in a more speedy fashion. The frequent trips to the bathroom were just as irritating as she found her bladder was still just as demanding as it had been while with child. 

She was miserable, and she even took a moment to consider that Emmy may have been right about going back to work too soon. Eliza didn't ever contemplate taking off so early because she had already scheduled to do so for the upcoming weekend around her planned expectancy date. Though Eliza knew what the answer was, Emmy coaxed her into asking for Ms. Blackwell to allow her to take this entire week off since the baby arrived a week early. 

Now, it was 9:58AM– two minutes away from the meeting with her boss. She stood up and, as routine, hurried to a large mirror on the wall. Though it was still a tad bonier than she liked, she felt that her face looked presentable. 

Rushing, with her head down through the hall, she finally approached the large frosted panels at the end and knocked.

"Come in," she heard the familiar monotone command. 

Quickly, Eliza stepped through and approached Blackwell's large desk that was on a central, six-inch platform. The woman in charge turned away from her computer screen, and unimpressed eyes observed Eliza's new appearance from the bottom up. 

The instant denial to Eliza's request rang through her head, "No. You scheduled for next week. But considering that you had it over the weekend and already came back to work, it seems as though you won't need that time off. You need to be in this office." 

Eliza didn't expect any sympathy from Ms. Blackwell; however, she was a little shocked, that once she got back to her office, that she was in tears. She didn't want to cry but the grief felt unstoppable– coming intermittently between simple tasks and phone calls. 

"Stop," she vehemently whispered to herself, ripping more tissues from the box.

A sudden interruption pulled her from her sobs, as she heard her door open and gawked at Andrew stepping his way inside. 

"What do you think you're doing?" she questioned right away, hurriedly wiping remaining traces of her instability. 

He pushed air out of his nose and simply stared at her with heavily lidded eyes. 

"What's going on?" he grumbled from afar. 

Eliza returned a matching scowl, "What's going on is that you are harrassing me while I am trying to work." 

"I asked you for the Tyson merger a long time ago, but I have yet to receive the report," he slickly informed her. 

"I will have it for you in less than fifteen minutes," she muttered, while turning her attention back to her computer screen.

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