She's Mine: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Eliza gave a final nod after concluding her first presentation since her delivery. She wasn't as uncomfortable as she was a month ago when she had to stand up in front of the entire room with a very prominent belly.

With her final words to end the conference, she asked if there were any questions; and when she was returned head shakes, she shot her eyes over to Troy and scowled seeing as to how he was threatening to clap. Instead of striking his palms together, he sent her an evil grin and used his hands to pick up his folders instead.

Troy took in a deep breath and pulled his suit's blazer taut. Taking a few steps towards the presenter, he sighed, "I swear, I'm not here to bother you."

"You want to talk about the mismatched numbers you sent to me this morning?" she asked, with a smile twitching at the ends of her lips.   

"You got it," he grinned. 

Scrolling down the screen on her computer, Troy was sitting on the opposite side of her desk with his laptop, scanning the Excel files. 

"I'm seeing the mismatched numbers begin around... December," Troy muttered. 

Eliza scrunched her brows as she scrolled back up to December's notes, "That was during one of our highest selling periods, yes?"

"Indeed," Troy groaned while scratching his smooth chin. "Ninety-thousand dollars worth of credit, but one-hundred-five thousand-worth of debit following?"

"What could have happened?" Eliza promptly questioned. 

"It's a Bluestar transaction, but it's definitely one that slipped by me. Blackwell is going to have my head," he sighed. 

When he didn't hear a response or typing, he looked up to find Eliza quietly laughing to herself. Pleased that he was able to get a laugh out of her for the second time for the week, he shut his computer and leaned back in the chair. 

"Well, thank you for sharing your notes with me, Ms. Kelly," Troy sighed with a broad smile, standing to his feet. 

Startled, Eliza turned her chair to face him and asked, "Oh is that all that was needed?" 

"Yes, ma'am," he laughed. 

"Oh," she peeped. 

He tipped an imaginary hat, "Alrighty, I'll see you–" 

"Are you working through lunch?" she boldly interjected. 

Pushing out his lower lip, he honestly answered, "I planned on it, but seeing as to how you helped me find the biggest problem to my day... I can see a lunch outing." 

"Oh, okay. That aforementioned restaurant a few blocks down?" she questioned, while uncomfortably rubbing her hand behind her neck.

"Sounds good," he smirked. 

Just as he approached the door, he looked back to find Eliza looking down at her phone before lifting it up to her ear. 

"Oh, and Ms. Kelly?" Troy interrupted. 

"Yes?" she innocently asked.

"Let's keep it professional," he winked before shutting the door behind him.

Troy let out a pleased exhale, but quickly turned his smile around as his vacant-eyed colleague was strutting towards Eliza's office. 

"Daniels," Andrew grunted, but then was surprised at Troy's still feet. 

Wondering why his coworker hadn't moved, Andrew questioned the man— that towered nearly a foot above him— with his eyes. Suddenly, Andrew was given the infamous Troy Daniels look-of-delight before the entrance to Eliza's office was finally cleared by the towering presence.

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