Chapter Eighteen

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How you shake your hips can be a powerful beacon, attracting a man from across the room. If you know how to work it.

-Strip Style: A Guide for Aspiring Exotic Dancers

Early the next morning I went for a run, hoping to put some of my confused emotions into perspective. I figured out one thing: I needed to stay away from Gray. Obviously I suffered some kind of neurological malfunction whenever I was close to him. Distance was key.

Unfortunately, my plan was shot the moment I rounded the corner to Mena's house, because there he was sitting on the top porch step.

I froze at the bottom of the stairs, disturbed by the instant elation I felt at the sight of him. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you." He stood up.

My heart did a funny flop. "You've been waiting in vain. I don't have time. I need to get ready for work."

Gray nodded and walked down the steps toward me. "I understand. I only came for one quick thing."

"What?" Lifting my chin, I stood my ground.

"This." He used my ponytail to pull my mouth to his.

My lips parted despite the urgent message my brain sent to them to remain locked, and Gray invaded me. Without thought, I responded to the hunger of his kiss by throwing my arms around his neck and pressing my body to his. One word reverberated in my head: yes.

He let go of me just as quickly as he attacked. Panting, he tucked a lock of my loosened hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry for what I did or said last night that upset you, but don't think a little misunderstanding is going to stand in our way."

Reminded of last night, I drew back. "There is no our."

"Yes, there is." Smiling, he reached out to brush my bottom lip with his thumb. "I'm not giving up, darling."

Because he wanted me, or because he wanted me to work with him? Trying to brush away the tingle left from his touch, I watched him walk away.

I knew I should have maintained space between us.

By the time I'd gone inside and taken a shower, I'd made a resolution. I wouldn't be manipulated by men anymore. I was through being a pawn. I was taking action.

First: the research. I put in a call to the director of our research group, Kevin's boss. She wasn't in the office (she never arrived before noon) but I left her a message.

Second: my man dilemma. I wore Mena's cleavage baring top and a pair of slim black pants. In deference to Strip Style, I left my feet bare since apparently that was something men liked.

After stirring the instant coffee, I licked the spoon, set it in the sink, and went to the bathroom. I stood over the toilet, sipping from my cup as I wondered the best way to go about this.

Toilet paper. Effective without incurring any lasting damage. Setting my coffee by the sink, I began unrolling wads of it and tossing it in the toilet bowl. When I finished that roll, I figured I had enough and flushed.

I pouted in disappointment when all the toilet paper went down the drain.

"This will work," I told myself, reaching under the sink for another roll. I began methodically unrolling, tearing, and stuffing until the water in the toilet bowl was completely absorbed by the tissue. Then I flushed.

The water rushed into the bowl. For a moment it looked like it was all going to go down the drain again, but then it held strong.

I watched in glee as the water began to overflow. Tossing the bathmat on the floor to absorb the excess, I reached over to shut off the water valve. Hands on hips, I surveyed the mess and smiled. Perfect.

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