The Bestfriends

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"What do you want to do?" The 7 year old Louie asked the 8 year old Angela.

"I don't want to play. You can go play with the boys if you want." Angela answered. "I'm just gonna read this" she said as she pointed out the book that she was carrying.

"But we're play partners. Teacher Rose told us to play together."

"And I'm telling you I don't want to play. I just want to read."

"Books are boring. Specially those without pictures."

"No they're not."

"Yes, they are."

Angela fell silent. She also thinks so. But she could not let this boy win.

She had not yet learned to fully read but she likes to pretend. That is why she was carrying a book around.

They sat on a bench in the playground. The other kids were already playing games. Louie eyed them enviously. Then he looked at Angela and asked, "so what is it about?"

Angela was frozen for a moment.

"Well, its about two enemies who became friends and the became bestfriends." she said looking at the illustrations on the book.

"Okay, go on..."

Whatever the 8 year old Angela lack in her reading skill she compensate greatly in her imaginations. She told Louie of a story, a made up one.

Louie on the other hand was a good listener. He would make the necessary reaction for every major scenes in the story. He would gasped, laugh at sometimes be angry at some of the characters.

Angela was enjoying this. Her plot thickens though there were some outrageous loopholes in the story, which Louie could easily spot and reacted immediately.

"Hey, where did the fairy and the dragon came from? How did they end up in the house."

"Geez, I'm only reading a book. Ask the author." she would answer and would get back to her story and correct her error.

This lasted until the end of the recess. When the bell rang, They both got up and made their way towards their classroom. Louie was silent. Angela thought he didn't like the story.

Before both of them entered the classroom Louie said.

"We should call each other somethings."

"Ew, thats what boyfriends and girlfriends have, were not." Angela said."Well, my parents call each other honey. And I heard my cousin Andrea call her boyfriend cupcakes."

"No not like that. Just like in the book."

In the book the two characters were wearing shirts with the letters B and F on each shirt. In the real story it meant Bert and Finn, the name of the two characters. On Angela's made up story, it was a name they have given to themselves.

"What does B and F means?" Louie asked.

"It's a secret between the two of them. But it could also mean Best Friends." Angela quickly answered.

"So what should we call ourselves?"

"You're the smart one. You do the thinking. Just no food. That will only make me hungry."

Angela laugh at Louie.

"You're funny. I like you. We should be friends."

"or bestfriends - like in the story."

"Yeah, I like that better." She said as they went inside the classroom.


That day they studied about letters. But on Angela and Louie's mind they could only think of two letters. B and F.

Their mothers picked them up after class. They saw each other going on the opposite roads.

Louie's mom was about to hail a cab when Louie said stop and ran to where Angela and her mother was going.

"Hey Angela!"

Angela and her mom stop and looked back. After asking permission from her mother Angela walk towards Louie.

with arms crossed and eyebrows raise the little Angela said, "What?"

"You're A and I'm L."


"Our names. What we should call ourselves. Like in the book." he panted still catching his breath.

"Oh, A stands for Angela and L stands for..."

"Louie. Yes, but it also has a secret meaning."


"I don't know. We will figure that out tomorrow."

"okay," Angela laughed. And walked back to her mom.

"hey A," Louie called to Angela. She looked back. "Read me another story tomorrow."

"Sure L, goodbye!" Angela saif waving goodbye.

Both were asked by their mother the same thing when they got back. And they both gave the same answer.

"Who was that?

"That was my bestfriend."


Louie remembered those memories like they were just yesterday.

That was the first day of class. The first day they met. The first time they talk.

Since then Louie had heard countless of Angela's made up stories. Angela had answered to thousand of Louie's clarifying questions. She had also laugh at Louie's joke.

I was L. Angela was A. That was the name we each other. It was stupid and cheesy at the same time but they love to hear it. We were bestfriends. We promised to find meaning on each letter but we never got to. And we promised to stay in each others side whatever happens. But I broke that promised. Until now I haven't forgiven myself for doing so. It was all because of that stupid kiss. - Louie

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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