Chapter 4

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Riku drove his shiny white Saikou down the snowy streets. Ayano sat in the front seat staring at the snowy scenery they passed. The snow fall was gentle and blankets of white surrounded them. 

"So what did you want to talk about?"Riku asks as he briefly glances over at Ayano.

"I never thanked you for the Christmas gift you gave me this morning."Ayano replies. "Its really beautiful and it looks didn't have to give me something like this but thank you.."

"Its no problem, when I saw it I knew it would look great on you." Riku says. "I just had to get it for you." 

"It just makes me feel bad that I have nothing to give back." Ayano murmurs feeling slightly guilty, it was custom that both parties exchange gifts, right?

"You don't have to feel bad, its a Christmas present I don't expect anything in return." Riku says and briefly pats her head with his free hand. 

"Thanks Soma-kun..."Ayano murmurs and slightly fidgets in her seat. 

"Was that all, Aishi-san?" Riku asks as he slows the car to a stop light. 

"No..."Ayano says looking up at the purple haired boy. "I'm just going to get straight to the point and say that... I know you like me..."  

"Ah, was I that obvious?" Riku murmurs with a light blush spreading across his face. He knew Ayano was an observant girl but somehow he convinced himself he could hide his affection towards her until they were under that cherry blossom tree. 

"Somewhat, your actions hinted at it." Ayano says staring at the snowy road ahead of them. 

"You caught me then." Riku says looking over at her as a smirk slowly formed on his pink lips. "So tell me, how do you feel about that?" He says and leans slightly towards her.  

Ayano froze as she saw Riku inch closer to her, she didn't expect him to be so bold but here was coming ever so close to her. She felt herself gulp unsure of what to do in this situation. Luckily, the red light turned green and Riku clicked his tongue upon noticing this, he reluctantly moved away and concentrated on the road once again. The car lurched forward and turned into Ayano's street. 

"I'm flattered that you can like such a dull person like me." Ayano answers honestly.

"I don't think you're dull, I find you quite a mysterious beauty." Riku says. "A lot of people do..." 

"Really..." Ayano murmurs, she was always quiet and reserved she was surprised to hear that some people had taken notice in her. 

Riku drives down the snowy road. The majority of the driveways had been shoveled clean while her house was filled with blankets of snow that was likely knee deep long. Riku slows to a stop at her plain looking house. 

"No one's shoveled your driveway...?" Riku says looking at her snow covered house. 

"My parents are abroad so I will have to tend to it."Ayano states. 

"Ah, I forgot, they're in America right?" Riku says as he stares at the knee deep snow and then switches his gaze to Ayano. "Wait right there." He says as he gets out of the car shutting the door behind. Ayano blinks in surprise as he comes around the corner and opens her door. 

"Riku?" Ayano tilts her head in curiosity. What was he planning?

"Up you go!" Riku says and without any hesitance he picks up Ayano off the seat as if she was a newly wed. 

"Kyahh!" Ayano surprised at being picked up so suddenly let out a girly cry rendering her flustered afterwards. "W-What are you doing!?" Ayano says stammering and shaking from the cold of the outside.

Ayano's Traumatic ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now