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'I don't understand why you have to go at 4 in the morning' Y/N said, folding her arms tightly against her chest.

'I have a presentation at 10 and I still have a shitload of work to do' Apu said, packing her things into her backpack.

'But Jennie said you guys were done with your work' Y/N said.

'Jennie is a slacker, you know it. I'm gonna go kick her ass now'

'At least let me go with you, Apu. I don't like the idea of you going alone' Y/N said. 'It's still dark outside'

'I'll be just fine! Lock the door and go to bed' Apu said, giving Y/N a hug and walking out.

Sighing, Y/N locked the door and walked to her room. Just as she was about to climb in, the doorbell rang. Knowing Apu, Y/N wondered what she had forgotten to take.

'What did you -'

Y/N opened the door and froze in place. Taehyung had a huge smile on his face as he said, 'Surprise!!'

Y/N gave a loud squeal and launched herself into Taehyung's arms, tears running down her face.

'Oh my God! Oh my God!! I can't believe you're here!!!' Y/N cried, and Taehyung carried her, kicking the door shut behind them.

'Tae!!!!' Y/N sobbed, kissing his cheeks.

Laughing at her cuteness, Taehyung set her down and pressed his lips to hers quickly. Taehyung's hands snaked around her waist pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss.

Y/N pulled back to catch her breath and blushed when she saw him look at her intensely. Taehyung took her hand and they both settled down on the couch, cuddling.

'So it was all planned?' Y/N asked, her voice muffled against his chest.

'Yeah, the boys are taking Apu to her friend's place' Taehyung said.

'Oh thank God' Y/N said, placing a small kiss at the base of his throat.

Taehyung's lips were on hers again, and he pulled her into his lap, making her straddle him. Her hands moved up to cup his cheeks. His hands rested on her waist, and lips slipped down her chin and jaw, soft kisses making their way down to her neck. He bit softly before sucking at the skin. Y/N closed her eyes tightly, her hands gripping at his shirt tightly.

He pressed his forehead against hers, and said 'I love you, God, I missed you so much, I-'

'I love you too, Taetae' Y/N said, her face pink.

He gave her a tired smile, rubbing his nose against hers.

'How about I make you some breakfast? You must be hungry' Y/N said.

'Yes please, I'm starving'

He let her climb off him and followed her into the kitchen. He sat on the kitchen counter as she cooked. Once his tummy was full, he yawned, stretching out.

'Let's take a nap' he said.

Y/N him to her room and he quickly took his place inside the covers. He laid with his arms around her waist and head on her chest.

Later on when Y/N opened her eyes, Taehyung was already awake. He watched her with a smile on his face.

'When did you wake up?' she asked, rubbing her eyes.

'A while ago' Taehyung said moving a strand if hair off her face. 'I love this. Waking up with you in my arms - I love it'

Y/N smiled.

'I know this is what I want, you and me' Taehyung continued.

'It's what I want too' Y/N said, touching his nose with the tip of her finger.

Taehyung smiled happily leaning down to kiss Y/N. Now he felt absolutely happy. He had his dream, his brothers, his beautiful family and the girl of his dreams.


Apu eyed Y/N with a grin on her face.

'Stop it' Y/N said. 'It's creepy'

'So' Apu began. 'How was your day?'

'Was good' Y/N said, trying to hide the smile on her face.

'Really?' Apu said. 'Just good? Looks like you had a great time'

'Hm?' Y/N tilted her head in question.

'I can see that hickey you're trying so hard to hide' Apu said, bursting into fits of laughter.

Y/N blushed crimson.

'Fuck you Apu' she grumbled.

'Sorry, but I think you already have someone for that'

'Oh my God!!' Y/N said, glaring at her friend who was again laughing.

'I love you too, Y/N. I love you too'

I was supposed to publish this yesterday, but instead of publish, I pressed delete and had to write it all over again. Yep. That's me.

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