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Lizzie nimbly jumped down from her deck and nearly landed on Marlow. In front of her, stood Marlow, Weaver, Slivko and James.

Her gaze stayed on James a little longer than the rest.

"Hey Jay."

"Hello Liz." He chuckled.

Marlow had pieced together the pieces, and also noticed Lizzie's face getting progressively redder.

"Wait a minute! This is the James/Jay you always talk about? Blooming hell man she's said some amazing things about you now, haven't you Lizzie?" Lizzie looked like a tomato at this point.

"You came here for help Marlow? Or can I go back upstairs?" Marlow's laughter died out, he knew without Lizzie and her carpenter/scientist brain, they'd never get the boat working.

"Yeah, yeah alright. Us three'll go ahead. You two need to catch up."

Marlow you sly matchmaker.

As he was walking away he shouted back at the pair: "You've only got a couple hours so don't get too carried away now." Is it obvious he knows about Lizzie's crush?

Both Lizzie and James didn't move, rooted to the spot. It wasn't until James said, "God I've missed you" that a grin broke onto Lizzie's face and she sprinted into his awaiting arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso as he lifted her off the ground and spun her around.

 She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso as he lifted her off the ground and spun her around

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Lizzie pulled her face away from his neck as he set her on the ground.

"So, captain huh?"

James laughed and started to walk in the direction Marlow and the others had gone, dragging her by the hand behind him.

"Long story."


"Does this thing even float?" Slivko asked. It was clear he was sceptical about the entire plan, but given it may get him off the island, he was going along with it.

"I spent 6 years of my life building this thing. She's called the great fox and she floats." It was also clear that Marlow was getting defensive about his boat, Lizzie had leant that early on, He was always hopeful that eventually it would work. But with only him and Lizzie working on it, it wasn't exactly easy.

Slivko, James and Lizzie climbed aboard the boat. Weaver was in the village, taking photos of the village itself and all it's inhabitants. Everyone else was in the village somewhere, thinking of plans to find the others and alert the ship.

"Listen, I know she ain't pretty to look at, but it's nothing a couple extra hands can't fix. Unless you've got a better idea, I suggest we get cracking."

James gave a simple nod to Slivko and Lizzie before stepping further into the boat.



Lizzie went to check on Mason mid-afternoon. She was still in the village but was straying towards the gate.

"I wouldn't go out there if I was you."

Mason jumped from surprise and span round to face Lizzie, relaxing when she recognised her.

"Jesus, you scared me... You're the girl Conrad keeps thinking about aren't you?" Lizzie blushed.

"Yeah, I guess I am... What are you doing so close to the gate?"

Mason's face twisted into one of confusion before realisation. A whine was heard from the other side of the gate, one of pain at that.


Mason followed Lizzie as she slipped through a crack in the wall and entered the clearing on the other side. Masons gaze was directed at the spikes, coated in dry blood, attached to the wall. In front of them, there was a wounded sker buffalo underneath a fallen helicopter.

Mason and Lizzie raced to the buffalo and tried to lift the copters tail. They obviously couldn't lift the entire thing but they had the hope that, if they lifted it enough, the sker buffalo would have enough strength to slip out from underneath it.

Lizzie used all her strength but the copter wouldn't budge. But the weight was suddenly lifted as both girls fell back to the ground, and stared at the gorilla in front of them. Kong stood proud and tall, holding the destroyed copter in his hand as the buffalo underneath, calmly plodded away.

Kong dropped the helicopter to one side, not watching as it burst into flames. (Because cool guys don't look at explosions. Duh!) Kong slowly turned and walked away, leaving the two women behind him to catch their breathes. Lizzie was the first to recover, not looking at Mason as she said:

"See. He's not the bad guy."


Slivko sat fixing up the wires as James paced the boat.

"Okay, so we've got 48 hours to make it to the north shore.... Slivko do you know what you're doing back there?" Slivko accidentally burnt himself on the sparks from the wires.

"Yeah! My pops a mechanic, if I can't fix this thing he'll disown me...." he paused as he realised what he had said, "If he ever sees me again..." he trailed off looking back at what he was doing.

James and Marlow stood by a bunch of leavers and switches, discussing what had happened since he and Lizzie had landed there.

"Hold the phone here Churchill, Russia was our ally. Now your saying we're at war with 'em?"

"Well, it's more of a Cold War." Nieves was doing most of the filling in, Lizzie wasn't paying attention since she didn't particularly care and was helping James with what he was doing.

James interrupted the history lesson.

"Come on. We're losing daylight.


Mason was pushing and pulling levers, James was fixing up the machinery down below with Slivko whilst Lizzie and Marlow made sure the pipes were working properly.

Finally after three tries, the engine roared to life. Exhaust ran through the pipes and the walls shook and rumbled along to the sound of the machinery.

Everyone cheered until they saw the Iwis at the edge of the boat. Lizzie and Marlow stood at the edge, saying there own silent goodbye.

"I guess this is goodbye..." Lizzie let Marlow do the talking, he was always better with words than her.

"Thank you. If you're ever in Chicago look me up I guess."

Lizzie said a silent thank you, a tear or two running down her face. The Iwis had always been kind to her, offering support when she needed it.

Mason lifted her camera and quietly took one last photo of the villagers as the boat drifted away and down the river.

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