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Jude and I's lips met, he slowly pushed me against the door as our lips moved faster, hungrier. I run my hands through his hair and gently tug it. While Jude caresses my waist and back. 

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring at me. Some dream that was. I chose to ignore it and focus on getting ready for school, I can finally stop wearing the gloves. I can now control the burning and the energy, now I will learn how to shoot energy balls and waves at people. I could not wait! 

I practically skipped into the breakfast hall, people gave me the same looks but I couldn't care less today. I scoffed down some cereal and almost ran to class. I was sort of avoiding Jude, not just because of the dream I just had. But also because of that coffee last Saturday. I knew Jude could feel what I was feeling towards him, and that scared the fuck out of me. 

I sit inside Mr Faye's classroom, waiting for him to come in. I hear his voice faintly through the door as I see him arguing with someone, I tilt my head to see he's yelling at Penelope?! I turned to face the front as I see him come inside. 

"Okay let's get started." 

I could tell he was in a grumpy mood so I quickly follow him to the front of the room. "Do it like I said during the last lesson." 

I point my hand at the target across from me, I summon the energy and electricity inside of me and aim a beam towards the target. I hit the bullseye. 

"Very good! Try again." 


I felt very drained after my next lessons, and I was happy that it was lunchtime. I go into the mess hall and grab a cheese sandwich, sitting alone on my table. I see Jude walk in with a couple of his mates, I downcast my eyes but I know he's looking at me. I put in my headphones and play some music, surely that will stop him from bugging me. 

I thought I had done it, but near the end of lunch someone sits beside me. I tug my headphones out and look up at Jude. 

"What?" I say impatiently. 

"Just wanted to say hello." 

"Yeah well, I've got to go." 

"Stop it Odette." Jude says as he grabs my wrist. "Don't fight your feelings, it will only blow up in your face later." 

I stare at him in shock for a few moments, before sauntering off to my next lesson. 


It was 7pm and I was sitting in the library finishing off some of my science homework when I hear some people whispering behind me. My curiosity got the better of me and I move closer towards the sound. 

"That bitch is going to get what's coming to her!" It was definitely Penelope's voice.

"She hasn't done anything to you." That was probably one of her minions. 

"It's just a little prank Monica, chill out." Says another female voice. 

"Whatever, let's go do it now." 

I hide behind the bookcase until I hear their footsteps pass me. I wonder who they were talking about. I sigh and sit back down, finishing off my homework. 

"Uh hi." I look up at Jude's face.

"Hi." I echo back. He just stands there awkwardly while I stare up at him. "Did you want to tell me something or..." 

He doesn't reply and shifts his weight from foot to foot. "I'm just going to be really forward here." 

"Okay go ahead." 

"Do you like me Odette? Like actually like me." 

My breathe hitches and my heart beats faster, "aren't you supposed to be the person who can 'feel' everything?" I don't know why I didn't just answer his question. 

"Forget it, you're just going to keep on deflecting it." Jude then turns and walks out. 

"Wait, Jude!" I yell after him but it's too late.

"Why'd you let him go?" 

I jump in my spot and groan at the voice. "Hello Caspian," I say as I turn to face him. 

"He's a nice boy, I suggest you slap that ass the next time you get the chance."  

"Oh my god, just stop talking. Why are you here?" I ask him. 

"Just wanted to see how things are going. Anything bad yet?" 

"No, I'm fine everything is fine."

"Cool." He replies.

"So... if you're a God shouldn't you be you know, taller, bigger, more godlier?" 

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that, but you see I am a God and I can take on any form and I can look anyway I want. I've chosen to look like this so drop it." Caspian fires back. 

I gaze over at his thin and tall frame once more, before settling on his face. "I need to go, I'll see you later." I grab my books, but I'm surprised to see Caspian still standing there. 

"What?!" I say annoyed. 

"Something's happened Odette. Let the games begin." are his final words before whooshing away into the darkness. 

Great. Now Caspian's being all mysterious. I make my way up to my dorm, walking over to my bed I look up to see something written on the wall. 


Was written on my wall in what looks to be red paint, I run out of the room to find Mr Faye. So THIS was what Caspian was talking about.

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