7. Mean girls and Best friends

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Day 4
Violetta and James
Jodie and Kyle
Hannah and Mason
Asher and Taylor
Zoe and Alex

I thought a good nights sleep would help after everything that happened last night, but it didn't. I still hate Asher and no amount of sleep is going to change that. I guess it's just a given that I hate Asher and Asher hates me.

I hear my phone go off, and shout out those famous words. "I've got a text!" Everyone sits up in their beds, still half asleep. "Islanders, it's time to find out what the boys really think of the girls #SecretsOut #SpillTheBeans."

As the girls all get ready putting their makeup on, the boys fill out questionnaires where they have to rate the girls from one to five based on different categories. I just sit in the walk in wardrobe watching Jodie do her make up because I never really wear make up on the daily. Instead, I decide to do Jodie's hair for her, making her look even more stunning than she already is.

When everyone is ready we go outside where the boys are sat around the fire pit, and we're instructed to stand in a row in front of them. As the only single man, Dougie stands up and asks the first question. "Ladies, could you please rank yourself in order of who you think is the most funny." We do as he says, hoping to get the same answers as the boys.

"Jodie, you're number one for sure." I state, and Hannah and Zoe agree, so Jodie makes her way to the number one spot. Eventually we agree on the order; Jodie, Zoe, me, Asher, Hannah. Personally I think Asher should be at the bottom but she seemed to think she should be in first place. That girl is really delusional.

"So Jodie, you're in the right place, but the rest of you are incorrect." Dougie announces, "the correct order was - Jodie, Violetta, Zoe, Hannah, then Asher." Dougie seems to smile at the fact that Asher is last, and so do I. Maybe she'll realise she isn't as great as she thinks she is. "Next category, most attractive girl." I instantly start making my way to the fifth place spot, knowing that there's no way I can compete with these girls. The order we agree on is - Zoe, Jodie, Asher, Hannah, then me. "Sorry girls I'm afraid you're wrong again. The correct order was Violetta in first." I'm shocked by this, how the hell have I been crowned more attractive than these beautiful girls that I'm surrounded by? "Second is Jodie, third is Asher, fourth is Hannah and fifth is Zoe."

I can't believe we got Zoe so wrong. Here I was thinking she was number one but the boys put her last. Guess it goes to show that girls and guys have very different ideas about what is and isn't attractive. "I can't believe that, I'm shocked." I comment.

"Me too." Asher adds rudely, suggesting that she thinks I don't deserve to be first. I mean, I agree with her but there's no need for her to be so rude about it.

"Okay, and the third and final question is who is the most annoying islander?" Dougie asks with a smirk.

"Well Violetta's number one for sure." Asher immediately says, proving that it's her that deserves the top spot.

"Oh hell no." Jodie argues, expressing her usual dramatic self. "If any one deserves to be number one it's you little miss gossip. No one fucking likes you so go over there where you belong."

My jaw drops at Jodie's reaction. I can't believe she just said that but I'm so glad she did. "I love you." I say to Jodie as she returns to my side, "what would I do without you?"

She giggles then we get the rest of us girls in order, and Asher has a face like a rat's arse, clearly not happy that she's number one. "Well done girls, that's the correct order. "Asher first, then Zoe, then Jodie, then Violetta then Hannah." We all celebrate that we finally got one right. Well, everyone but Asher, who's still sulking that she was crowned the most annoying girl in the villa.

Asher storms off and Taylor runs after her like the little puppy dog he is. I then turn to Jodie and say, "I think we should rank the boys now."

"Oh my god, yes!" She squeals, then looks at the boys, who are now spread out around the villa. "Most attractive is Kyle, but I'm a little biased on that one."

"I one hundred percent agree." I tell her honestly, "then I think it's James, then Alex."

"Then Dougie, Taylor next." Jodie adds, "oh god, that leaves Mason last. Bless him."

At that moment, Kyle comes over and gives Jodie a kiss. "How are my two favourite girls?" He asks, and I love how close we've gotten in just one day. Yesterday I'd never even spoken to him but now he's one of my closest mates in here. After James, Jodie and Dougie of course. "How are we feeling about Asher after that challenge then?"

Jodie and I both roll our eyes in perfect synchronicity, but it's me who answers. "I'm so ready for her to go home. I've really had enough of her."

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Jodie adds. "If she's gonna act like a bitch then she can get out of here. Can't be dealing with that level of immaturity."

"It's just the fact that she hasn't even said sorry." I tell them, so pissed off about how she's acting. "It's as if she doesn't realise that what she's done is wrong."

"Don't worry about it, Vee." Kyle reassures me, "karma will hit her hard sooner or later."

"I'm hoping for sooner." Jodie comments instantly, and I can't help but laugh. There's something about the way Jodie says things that makes her so hilarious, she can get away with saying whatever she likes.

"Anyway, I'm going to go find James. I'll speak to you guys later." I announce, then give them both a quick hug before leaving. James is sat with Dougie in the kitchen, and it looks like they're not really up to much. "Y'right boys?"

"Yeah, you?" Dougie replies politely, seeming genuinely interested as to whether I'm okay.

"Yeah, I'm good." I smile, "you have no idea how happy I am that Asher got most annoying islander."

"I know, the look on her face was priceless." James laughs, "she had it coming though." He places his arm round my waist, like always, and pulls me in close. "Are you sure you're alright?" He double checks, probably knowing that I'm the type that keeps everything hidden.

"Yeah," I reassure him honestly, "obviously I think what Asher did was a really slimy thing to do, but at least I got to tell you before everyone else found out."

He leans towards me and places a kiss on my forehead, and I like him even more than I already did. "Guys, I got a text!" Zoe shouts, so we turn our attention to her. "Tomorrow night there will be a recoupling in which the girls will pick their partners. #ShouldIStayOrShouldIGoNow."

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