9. Time to forgive?

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Day 6
Asher and Alex
Hannah and Dougie
Jodie and Kyle
Skye and Taylor
Violetta and James
Zoe and Sam

As I'm sat with Jodie, Kyle and James; I hear really loud laughing coming from behind me. I turn around and spot Asher and Skye giggling with each other. "Clearly they sorted everything out." I comment, referring to Asher's frustration last night.

"I don't understand how Asher has calmed down so quickly, they seem to be really good friends now." Jodie responds, also looking over towards them. But we both quickly turn back so they don't realise we're talking about them.

"Asher probably realised that she's got no friends in here so she has to start being nicer to people." Kyle laughs.

James furrows his eyebrows. "No offence, but that doesn't sound like the Asher we know." He comments, and I love that he's saying exactly what I'm thinking. "I think she's up to something."

"Whatever it is, I hope it's nothing to do with me this time." I roll my eyes as I speak, "I've had enough with all her drama." As I say this, James takes my hand in his, mentally reassuring me that everything will be alright; and there's a little voice inside me telling me that might just be the case.

But right as I'm starting to feel somewhat hopeful, I see Asher heading right towards me. What does she want now? Has she not ruined my time here enough already? "Hey guys, sorry to interrupt but can I have a chat with Violet?"

"It's Violetta." I tell her and she furrows her brow, "not Violet."

"Right, of course. Sorry hun." She smiles politely, and I can't quite figure out why she's being so nice to me. "Anyway, do you mind giving us a moment alone?" She asks the others and they get up from where they were sitting. "Oh, and James, I think Skye found a pair of swimming trunks and I said I thought they were yours. You should probably go find her and double check."

"Oh, okay, sure." He replies sceptically, "thanks Asher." He smiles a little then leaves us to it, and I'm just left sitting here, wondering why Asher would want a one on one conversation with me.

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" I ask, trying my best to be as polite as I can even though I still kinda hate her guts right now.

"Basically babes, I was chatting with Skye and she made me realise that what I did a couple days ago was really out of order, I hope you can forgive me." I really cant believe what I'm hearing, is Asher apologising? "I completely understand if you don't forgive me, but I at least hope we can try to be friends, for the sake of the group."

I think for a moment, considering what she just said. "You know what, I don't want to be angry with you or anything, so lets just put it behind us. It's water under the bridge."

"Yay!" She squeals before pulling me into a very tight hug, "I'm so happy that we can be friends again."

"Me too, I guess." I reply with an ever so slightly more genuine smile than ten minutes ago.

Then she pulls away from the hug and rests her sunglasses on top of her head so that I can see her eyes now. "But just so you know, I'll never be friends with you again if I see you trying to get with my man. Taylor is off limits." She warns me, and it just makes me feel sorry for her. It shows just how insecure she really is.

"Don't you worry, Asher, I don't plan on stealing your man." I reassure her, "I'm perfectly happy with James."

A smile quickly forms on her face, and I can't help but think that she's definitely up to something, no matter how nice she's pretending to be right now. "Yeah, you are a really lovely couple, almost as strong as me and Taylor." She puts her sunglasses back on and smiles once more, "speaking of, I better go hunt him down. You should probably find James before he starts chatting with the really beautiful girls here."

"Pardon me?" I question, unsure if she realises that she's being really rude right now.

"Well, you know, it's obvious that you really like him, but does he actually like you back?" she asks, a smug grin on her face, and now I realise why she wanted to talk to me. It wasn't to apologise, it was to try and make me lose confidence in my relationship with James, so that she can feel like she's in the best couple in the villa. "At the end of the day, all the girls think James is a right sort, and you don't even wear make-up, you just roll out of bed." Yep, this is the Asher I know and hate. "But oh well, as long as you trust him, that's what really matters. It was great talking to you, I'll catch up with you later babes." And with that, she walks away.

Okay, so Asher sends James away to another girl whilst we have a chat, the one girl that seems to be friends with Asher. If this isn't a trap then I don't know what is. I get up from where I'm sat and make my way inside, walking through the bedroom to get to the bathroom, but I stop outside the door when I hear Skye and James talking. "I really did think those trunks were yours, how silly of me. Though it wasn't a total waste of time I suppose, at least I got to speak to you without Violetta sticking her claws in."

"Violetta isn't like that, she's not the type to get jealous just because I'm having a conversation with another girl." James replies, and he's right. If Skye wanted to talk to him she could have, but now that she's tried to be all sneaky about it, I'm not sure I trust her at all.

"But it's not just a conversation is it James?" she asks in a really flirtatious voice, "we both know there's something going on between us." As she says this, I know I can't just stand around and listen to this any longer, so I walk into the bathroom to see Skye grabbing a hold of James' neck and pulling him towards her, forcing the two of them to kiss. I can't help but scoff at Skye's lack of respect, but my scoff causes them to stop kissing, and Skye can see me right in her eyeline. "oops." When she says this, James turns around quickly, looking horrified at what's just happened, but Skye couldn't look more happy.

I immediately walk out of the bathroom in a hurry, not wanting to look Skye in the eyes for a second longer. As I'm storming away, I hear James shouting for me to stop. "Violetta! Vee, come back, it's not what it looked like, I promise." I turn around to face him, realising that it's not fair to storm off when it's not his fault.

"I know." I tell him, and he looks pretty shocked that I'm being so understanding. "I figured out pretty quickly that Asher was up to something. I heard you talking and I saw her grab you, I know you didn't do anything."

"So," he starts, sounding rather confused. "you're not mad?" he asks, and I shake my head. How could I be mad? The guy I'm really falling for is standing in front of me, making sure I'm alright in the midst of all this madness. "Thank god, I don't know what I would have done if I lost you."

"Trust me," I start with a smile, "it's going to take a lot more than that to break us. Asher's little game only makes us stronger."

"Come here." He commands playfully, then draws me into a hug. "I'd never do anything to hurt you, ever. I promise." And that's all the confirmation I need, never have I felt more at home than in his arms, and that's how I know that I might just be falling in love.

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