prelude (we don't talk about it/ comfortable silence is so overrated)

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Even my phone misses your call, by the way. H

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"Liv, what do you want in your omelette?" comes Liam's shout from down the hallway of their tiny flat. He's fixing breakfast for them in the kitchen like the amazing roommate that he is.

"Surprise me, babe!" Olivia replies after a beat. She pulls on her shoes and takes one last glance in her mirror before heading to the kitchen to greet one of her favorite persons.

He's facing away from her, standing in front of the stove, tossing eggs up in the air before catching them in a frying pan. He does it much more effortlessly than Harry usually does. Then again, most people she knows do as they aren't nearly as clumsy and accident prone as he is.

Speaking of, "Harry rang while you were in the shower," Liam informs her without even turning around to look at her. "Said he and Lou were coming over soon. Think it was meant to be a surprise that Louis was joining him though because I heard him call Haz a loudmouth idiot in the background."

Olivia laughs, saying that sure sounded like Lou.

Louis is her best friend Harry's semi-recently acquired roommate (since the whole fraternity thing didn't work out for Hazza who, as much as he enjoys partying, is obsessed with treating people with kindness and refused to do otherwise, so he quit the institution that was known to "exert power" and "preserve inequalities" about a month before school was out for summer and was taken in by Louis who was looking for a new roommate since his former one had conveniently just moved out) and Liam's boyfriend. Their relationship is fairly new, but they already seem to be very much in love.

The couple started off as friends, met through Harry a while back, but it was obvious they'd hit it off from the moment they were introduced. Sure there were moments in the beginning where all they did was bicker and disagree because they were mostly complete opposites, but the fire was always there, even when Louis denied it profusely, stating in a preposterous tone, "I do not have feelings for Liam Payne, nor will I ever."

When it came down to it, all it took was three months of bantering and playful rivalry (involving Louis making fun of Liam every chance he got, and more water fights than you'd expect), two rounds of Spin the Bottle at a wild back to school party, and one very hot kiss to finally get them together. Their relationship took off from there, and as unlikely a couple as they seemed, they complemented each other.

"Thanks, Li." Olivia gratefully smiles up at Liam after he places her omelette on a plate in front of her.

They're sat at their table, chatting and eating, discussing some of the lecturers they've gotten stuck with this semester, when there's a knock at the door. Olivia stands before Liam can, telling him that she's got it, he's already made them breakfast. She pulls the door open and is met by the smiling face of her very best friend and the words, "you're not my boyfriend," from a very disappointed Louis.

"You know, I really missed this while you were gone, Lou. Your greetings are always top of the range," she says flatly. "He's in the kitchen."

Without another word, Louis excitedly pushes past her, and Harry steps inside, closing the door behind him.

"Good morning, Liv." He gives her a kiss on the cheek. "How come you've already showered? Don't you usually leave for the art center around noon?"

She purses her lips thoughtfully in reply and gestures for him to follow her to the kitchen where surprise, surprise, Louis and Liam are already sat impossibly close to each other, snogging with one of Lou's arms wrapped around Liam's waist.

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