chapter three| when I run out of road, you bring me home

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On Saturday, Harry wakes with a jolt.

Almost immediately, he registers the fact that his bed feels different, and for some reason, his whole body feels cramped. To add to that, it's as if a ton of bricks are being thrown at his head when almost as soon as he's aware that he's awake, images of smiling brown eyes and pretty lips stained with wine unexpectedly start to flood his mind.

Oh God. He groans. He was dreaming about Zayn again, wasn't he? It was a nice dream, not as romantic or explicit as others he's had, but lovely nevertheless. It's strange. It seems that his dreams are beginning to feel more and more real everyday. Maybe he should see someone about that, he thinks as he decidedly chooses to go back to sleep.

Unfortunately, it appears that he's still dreaming because, "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He hears an all too familiar voice ask from above him, because of course he wouldn't let Harry go back to bed.

He moans groggily and slowly peels one eye open after rubbing at it with a hand, however, he hurriedly squeezes it back shut when he's met with a too bright light reflecting off his roommate, making him look like some sort of angel, which he's certainly not if he's waking Harry at this hour... whatever hour that may be.

"Go away, Louis," he mutters as he turns his head away from him and shoves his face further into his pillow that, weirdly enough, seems to be hugging him back. "I don't have class until later today, so let me sleep."

"Do you now?" Louis muses, and a smile can be heard in his voice, which Harry doesn't understand one bit because it's true. Why would he be smiling at Harry having a late class? That's weird. He's weird.

Someone else clears their throat, and, "It's actually almost well into the afternoon already," Harry listens to Liam say. Liam? When did he get here, and what do they both want? He's woken with a headache for some reason, and he just wants to sleep today. Is that too much to ask for?

"Also, we're on break, but I guess you forgot about that with the night you must have had," another person laughs bright and exuberantly, and that could really only be one ray of sunshine taking the form of a person: Niall. He's here too? Who else has come to Harry's bedroom to apparently just disrupt his sleep, and what does he mean by that?

"What?" Harry turns to face them again, willing his eyes to stay open this time and focus on their amused expressions. What's with them? "What are you even-" A highly unanticipated, sharp snore comes from under him then, effectively managing to cut him off, and okay, what the hell? Pillows don't do that. He finally allows his eyes to roam around his room, and he discovers that that's not where he is at all. The cabin. "Shit. It wasn't a dream." He doesn't know how to feel about that. Or he does, but he'd rather not say.

"Now he's awake," Louis tells the other two with a smirk. "Had a nice night, Styles?"

Obviously he did, but when did he fall asleep? He tries to rack his brain for the events of last night.

Okay, so he definitively remembers Zayn dragging him to the kitchen after Hercules, but after that everything's a bit fuzzy. He knows that there was wine, if the two empty bottles on the coffee table is any indication, and hot chocolate films, but right now, he's pretty much coming up blank. It's fine. It's understandable. He just woke up. He'll get there.

"Shut up," he replies a beat too late. "How'd you even get in?" Harry yawns and stretches and attempts to untangle himself from Zayn, whose arms he just woke up in. He tries his best to stand without waking or accidentally hurting him, while also being mindful of his injured foot. Unfortunately, it isn't really working out.

"Door was open. You should really think about locking it next time," Niall advises with an easy smile, offering a hand. "Y'all right?" He asks after Harry lets out a wince because he chooses to stand on his foot rather than falling over.

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