Chapter 6: Seattle 1993/ Meeting Aidan

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Juliet's P.O.V.

Damon started to look guilty. "Juliet I-" "Save it." The drive home was quiet, eventually we made it to Mystic Falls. We dropped Elena off home the. Went back to the boarding house.

I'm sitting on the couch in the parlor room staring at the fire while Damon pours himself and me a glass of bourbon. He hands me a glass I take a sip and set it down. "Where's Elena?" Damon asks. "She's home." "And your hear why?"

"Because she wanted to be with Jeremy." "Here" Damon hands Stefan a glass. "Thanks." "Are you going to be okay Juliet?" I look to Stefan tears in my eyes and shrugged. He starts to walk towards me worry written all over his face. I raised my hand telling him to stop. I get up and walk to my room. "I want to be alone." I ran up to my room and pulled out my bottle of vodka and took a swig of it.

I started to listen to their conversation downstairs they're talking about the curse and how they need to keep Elena safe and they can't fight anymore etc. I stopped listening and started to strip from my dress threw to the side and went to the bathroom and took a long hot shower. I get out and wrapped a towel around my body and walked out to my room and grabbed my pj's and got changed. I came down stairs to grab a bottle of scotch from Damon's secret stash when I overheard Rose talking to Stefan. "I don't need your help, but I think you need mine. Elijah may be dead but this isn't over." I frown and walk out. "What do you mean it isn't over?" I butted in. I walk next to Stefan. "It's isn't over. The originals, they'll come for her. They have to. They're doing it for him." My face dropped. Him? They can't mean him. "For who? Stefan asks. "Klaus."

I threw the glass I had in my hand against the wall. My blood began to boil. Of course why didn't I think he would come for her. Shes the Petrova doppelgänger. "What's the matter." Stefan puts his hand on my shoulder and I push it away. "It's Klaus! He's coming for her and we can't stop it." "We'll find a way." I roll my eyes. "We won't trust me." Damon walks in. "What's going on?" I began to pace. "Stop pacing Juliet your starting to look like Stefan." I glare at him for a second then turn away looking at the fire. Stefan explains what Rose told him. "We'll find a way to stop him." I laugh. "What's so funny, and why are you so worked up?" "Nothing and I have something to tell you guys." I face them. "Remember when I told you guys about the guy who found me dead and I fell in love with etc." They nodded. "Well the thing is that guy was Klaus." Their eyes went wide. "What!?" Damon yelled. I nodded. "He will come here too, to get Elena and I don't think I can-" Stefan hugs me. "Shh it's going to be okay." He rubbed my back. I shake my head in his chest. "It won't Stef, he'll kill anyone who's in his way, trust me, I've seen it." I began to cry. "I need to make a call." I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone. After the third ring they answer. "Hello?" Their voice is low a raspy. "Aidan?"

"It's 2 am what's wrong?" I explained everything that happened about being kidnapped my best friend being killed and Klaus my ex after the doppelgänger. "I need you Aidan." I started to cry. "It's going to be okay." I shake my head. "It won't."

"I promise it will and I will be in Mystic Falls by tomorrow, okay?"

"Yea, I love you."

"I love you too."

I hang up and I hear a knock at my door. I open it to see Damon. "So who's Aidan?" I sigh and let him in. He laid on my bed and I laid next to him. "Well he's my boyfriend." "I figured that much." "By the way he's coming tomorrow." "Fair enough, I get to meet the guy. And please don't tell me he's human." He whined. I shake my head and giggled. "No, no he's a vampire." "What's his name?" "Aidan Hale and he's 245 years old." "He's a little to old for you don't you think." he smirked. "Like you have room to talk." He scolded me and I laughed. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. "I missed this." He nodded. "How did you guys meet and everything?" Stefan walks in with a bottle of whiskey and lays on the bottom of my bed. Sigh. I take the whiskey and take a swig. "Well I met him in Seattle 1993, during that time I was a little out of it." They looked at me confused. "I flipped the switch." They nodded for me to continue.

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