Christmas Special Chapter

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Happy Holidays everyone!!!!!

I hope you are having a great holiday and Christmas!

I opened my eyes and got dressed. Today was Christmas. Maybe I should head back to the French Quarter, I mean it is Christmas. But I'm still mad at Klaus for what he did. Someone knocked on the door and Sabrina walked in. She smiled at me.

"Someone is at the door for you." She told me and I nodded.

I walked to the front door and opening it to be engulfed in a hug. Once they pulled away they gave me a annoyed look. I smiled sheepishly at her.

"Hey Bekah."

"Let's go, I don't care if your mad at Klaus but you are spending Christmas with us." And with that she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. I groaned and she shot me a glare and I rolled my eyes as she dragged me behind her.
We made it to the French Quarter and I gasped when I saw a Christmas tree in the center and it was decorated.

"It's beautiful." I say to Bekah."

"I know." Everyone gathered and went inside. We sat in the living room where all the presents we got for one another.

I sat away from Klaus because I was still mad at him and everyone knows it.

Bekah handed out her presents first.

"Merry Christmas everyone." Bekah exclaimed excitedly. I chuckled and we all unwrapped our presents.

I gasped when I saw what was in the box. It was the necklace with a witches symbol on it. I hugged Rebekah and thanked her.

Marcel and Elijah handed out they're presents. I got the original book of Romeo and Juliet from Elijah. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek and he smiled at me. I could see Klaus glaring and I just rolled my eyes. He shouldn't even be jealous I think of Elijah as my best friend and a brother.

Marcel handed me a small box and when I opened it it was a pair of earrings. I smiled and hugged him.

Now it was my turn. I handed everyone they're presents. Elijah has gotten the book Hamlet, Bekah has gotten a set of jewelry which she loved. I gave Marcel a new pocket watch since I accidentally broke his. And finally I got up and gave Klaus the painting I did for him, it was the skyline of New Orleans. He looked amazed and impressed with it. He smiled at me which I returned. It's Christmas and I don't want there to be any awkward tension between Klaus and I.

Then finally Klaus gave everyone they're presents. I gasped when I opened the little box. It was my mothers necklace. I told him about it and how my father gave it away after she died, and the necklace was supposed to be passed down to the first born daughter. I smiled at him and ran over to him hugging him then kissing him. Marcel and Elijah left the room because they started to feel awkward and Beks stayed awing at us.

I chuckled a bit as I pulled away and looked at Bekah who finally got up and left. Klaus grabbed me making me sit on his lap.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"But I don't want to argue about it anymore." I lean down and kiss him. we sped up to our room and we started to kiss more passionately as he pulled my dress off.
Klaus had his arms wrapped around me as I laid my head on his bared chest as I snuggled up to him.

"I love you." I whisper.

"And I love you." He whispered back.

Best Christmas ever. Having this day to spent with your family and for the first time in forever I feel like I belong somewhere and it was this family that made me feel this way.

Again Happy Holidays!!!


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