Chapter 1: Usual Princess

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Alice POV***

I wake to shuffling and whispering around me. Keeping my eyes shut to await the reasoning to unfold. Then I feel hands grab my legs. Pulling me out of the cell I have been kept captive in for three days. I don't make a sound. Snapping my eyes up to see a middle ages filthy man with a smirk on his face.

"I'm going to enjoy this, I have been waiting for you Princess" he states as his vile hands begin to try and open my legs. I can hear screaming coming from behind me, which is from Katherine my maid who was travelling with me when I was taken. My attention snaps back to the man in front of me. I draw back my leg and kick him in the face. The impact causes him to fall onto the floor in front of me.

"You whore" he says while grabbing his now wounded face. He quickly regains his strength and begins to approach me again with the look of angry in his eyes. Just as he is about to grab me, but is pulled away.

"You can't touch her, if the king finds out his little sister has been harmed he will not pay what we want" the other man states to the rat that had just attacked me.

"I don't care, she's a woman. Her purpose is to serve men" he states while glaring at me

"No this one, she's the Princess of France. And worth her weight in gold. You don't touch her" as he drags the rat out of the room away from me. turning back around, he grabs hold of my upper arm roughly. Not caring about the bruises that will no doubt appear later. He shoved me back into the cell with Katherine. Who instantly hugs.

"Don't you worry Princess. I'm sure your dear brother will pay for your release soon. But maybe I will let my men have their way with you before you leave us. After all, you truly are a treasure" he says while locking the cell and walking away.

"Are you ok?" Katherine frantically asks while looking to see if I have any injuries.

"I'm fine, it worked perfectly" I stated while smiling at her.

"What are you talking about?" she says while giving me a questioning look. I simply reach to under my corset to pull out the bunch of keys that I stole from the rat that attacked me.

"You didn't honestly believe I was going to wait to be rescued right?" I state while smirking at her.

I figured out early on that there was three sets of keys. And about 10 men. It was just about getting the timing right.

"I can't believe you, that was so dangerous. You're a Princess Alice" she states

"Get ready we escape when the sun goes down. That's when the guards change over and will be easy to slip out. They won't be expecting it" I explain the plan

"Why won't they be expecting it" she asks questioning

"Because they don't know" I simply answer

"They don't know what?" she asks putting her hands on her hips

"I'm not your usual princess" I say while watching the moon begin to descend.

Porthos POV***

The four of us walk into the main hall after receiving a message from Treville requiring our attendance. Arriving to see Treville, the King, Queen and Cardinal waiting for our arrival. We bow at the presence of the majesties.

"You are all about to be sent on a mission, one in which is extremely important" Treville states.

"Yesterday, the King received a ransom letter from a group of men that call themselves the Captors. Waiting 1 million leave for release of the Kings youngest sister, Princess Alice" Treville states while looking down at the letter in front of him.

"The Princess was travelling to Paris from England two days ago, she must have been taken upon route. The letter states a meeting place for tomorrow, and if the money isn't presented the Princess will be killed" Treville confirms

"But Paris can't afford such sum, so your job is to get to the Princess before she is killed. Don't mess it up. A princess's life is at risk" the Cardinal says while providing a disappointed look.

"You will not allow my sister to be killed. Do you understand musketeers?" the King states

"Yes your majesty" we all promise.

"We will head to the meeting location now, see if we can find where the princess is being kept captive. Take her under the power of darkness" Athos confirms our plan

Treville gives the nod of approval and we leave the castle heading to the garrison to collect supplies. Mounting our horses and riding out. Time to save a Princess.

Alice POV ***

I stab the final guard and push him onto the floor. Myself and Katherine running from the compound and into the woods. Looking down seeing blood on my hands.

"You didn't have to kill them" Katherine states

"They would have killed us, I couldn't have them chasing us down" I confirm. While walking further into the woods.

"So what's the plan now?" Katherine asks

"We are going to see my Brother" I state while walking west remembering that's the way home. 

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